The targets of yesterday’s attack on the café “Le Petit Bistro” in Vracar were probably Milos Nilovic when the police marked him as a member of the Skaljar clan and his godfather, the gendarme Vojislav Kostic. Nilovic confirmed to KRIK that he was in a cafe and that he ran away when he saw a man enter with an automatic weapon, but denies that he is part of a fraudulent criminal group.
Writes: Milica Vojinović
A masked man with an automatic weapon entered the Belgrade cafe garden “Le Petit Bistro” yesterday afternoon and was obviously searching for his target, according to the video circulating on social media. At that moment, the five young men sitting at one of the tables quickly fled. Among them, as KRIK reveals, was Miloš Nilović, known to the public for his arrest at the “Durmitor” restaurant in Belgrade in June 2017, and whom the police branded as a member of the scalp clan. Gendarme Vojislav Kostic was at the table with Nilovic.
After they escaped, the attacker escaped from the cafe, who was arrested by the police.
Nilovic confirmed to KRIK that he is in the video and says he did not recognize the attacker.
“As you can see in the video, that’s how it was, it lasted two seconds and that’s it. They sat down, a kamikaze came and went. We didn’t see anything, we sat in the most normal way. We’re in shock, we’re taking pills We are thinking more about leaving Serbia, “he says, adding that he was sitting with his godfather, Gendarme Kostić, at the café” Le Petit Bistro “in Vračar.
“Vojkan and I came here for coffee. We sit with the managers of the bar, we sit there with them every day. We haven’t hidden for how long, the police know, the police sit in that bar every day.” .
After this event, he says, they were at the police station for three hours, where they testified.
“They don’t have us at all, we don’t do anything.” “Normal, brother, we sit down, have coffee, we are fair to everyone,” says Nilović. “I am not involved in crime, nor do I sell drugs. I built some buildings.”
As he says, he does not know if he was the target of yesterday’s attack, as the media writes, but, according to him, it is not the journalists who attack him.
“It is beyond my head that they put a target on me and my sponsor in my head, that we are the sponsors of the scalping clan.” It is a shame for anyone who wrote it. We have nothing to do with the Skaljar clan or the Kavac clan. Nor are we waging war with anyone, “says Nilović nervously, explaining that someone put pressure on the police when they were arrested three years ago and declared them scoundrels, not wanting to name who.” We are not snitches. ”

He also says that things have changed.
“The police no longer arrest us because they know that we are right and that we have nothing to do with this, and that the police of three years ago have nothing to do with this police: it was the police who are corrupt and work for money. “
However, he did not have an answer to the question of why he and his godfather are being groomed.
Nilovic has found himself in a similar situation before. Namely, he was present at the “Kafeteka” cafe in Vracar during the liquidation of his friend and owner of the “Havana” casino, Vladimir Popović Pop. The media wrote that when he saw the attacker, he also fled. Nilovic told KRIK that he entered the bar immediately after the shooting.
“He was not there, I came after two minutes, I came and found him (Popa) in my arms.”
Popovic was tried for extortion before his death, but did not receive the verdict. Vojislav Kostić, who is still on trial, was also charged in the same proceeding.
Nilovic is being prosecuted in a case known as “Durmitor”. He and nine other men were arrested at this restaurant in 2017, and the police branded them as members of the scalping clan.
Of all those arrested, only Nilovic and his friend Mitar Muratovic are being tried for illegal possession of weapons, two pistols that the police found near them at the time.
Continuation of the clan war.
It must be remembered that the suspect in yesterday’s attack on Vracar was arrested by the police shortly after this event. During the arrest, an “Uzi” automatic pistol with a silencer, a silicone mask, and a closet that he wore when he was in a cafe were found near him.
Criminals repeatedly used silicone masks, which serve to confuse the police, during settlements in the war between two criminal clans originating in Montenegro: Kavac and Skaljar. Their conflict has been going on for five years and has resulted in the deaths of more than 40 people on both sides. Settlements took place in the Balkan countries, but also in several Western European countries.
Clans, and especially clans, have connections in the state and the police.
How these two clans work, how they commit murder, as well as the connections they have in the state leadership, read in our story “The Balkan Underworld War: Murders, Police and Top State Connections.”