Nikolic: Vucic does not have a foreign policy vision, he is guided by the fact that he is not opposed


“I think Aleksandar Vučić and the government do not have a foreign policy vision, they are guided by an ad hoc orientation so as not to offend anyone. Be good to the West and not endanger fraternal relations with Russia, and we do not have a clear orientation than it will be a priority, “said Miloš Nikolić editor of the portal.

As he said, we reached a “schizophrenic situation” to cancel military exercises and withdraw missions, and then we get a response from NATO that no exercises are planned for Serbia.

“That means that we are canceling exercises with Russia and Belarus. That policy is not sustainable, it was carried out in 1961 when Tito formed the Non-Aligned Movement. This error shows that it is scandalous, without explanation, why we are withdrawing the army. of international missions, it has no political dimension. That is why some say we do not have a foreign policy, “said Nikolic.

He also says that the discussion on the direction of conduct of foreign policy will not be before the deputies and that it will be as Vučić decides.

“The president has concentrated all his power, all aspects of foreign and defense policy depend on Vučić,” he added.

In a more normal case in Serbia, parliamentary activity would be crucial, says Nikolic, adding that there is a higher level of transparency in Kosovo when it comes to negotiations.

“We see that the EU is not shaken by the new demands of the opposition to make a new report from the field, the EU believes that it is not necessary to send a new mission. The state of democracy and the situation in the media they are put in the background in macrodiplomatic subjects “.

For the opposition in Serbia, Nikolic says that she is on artificial respiration, which is a very dangerous condition, because if she stays like that for a long time, she says, “she will be dead.”

“Artificial respiration remains with the initiatives that are coming, the initiative of Tadic is an attempt to sit down and see in which direction to proceed. The opposition must decide for itself and as far as big issues are concerned, in 2022 there will be elections Presidential and Belgrade “. The opposition has an opportunity in Belgrade, if it is possible to apply the Montenegrin model, something Kostunica for Belgrade, to find a nonpartisan person who is a symbol of Belgrade, there is a possibility, it all depends on the organization of the opposition and what will be the priorities . “It will be very difficult to focus on Belgrade and the willingness of new people to enter politics. New people who were shot on the subject of scandals because they did not have them,” Nikolic said.

Speaking about the situation in Montenegro after the elections, Nikolic said that the expectation that the new government would question the recognition of Kosovo’s independence and NATO membership was nurtured in Serbia, but that the expectation was unfounded.

“The campaign is still going on, it seems that the Serbian tabloids are sending signals that the new government should set priorities differently, it is undermining the healthy deal they made in Montenegro. There were some announcements that some Montenegrin politicians were in Belgrade and that even they had a conversation with Vučić, it would be nice to know the purpose of those conversations. ”

Regarding the epidemiological situation in Serbia, Nikolic said that his impression was that the citizens were responsible and that the vast majority of parents approached starting school responsibly.

“In some media there is a relationship that is expected too much from the state, that ideal ideas are created and an ideal exemption that will control it, we have to work a lot on personal responsibility, in Scandinavia the state communicates differently with citizens, because there is a clear individual responsibility. He is concerned about what the next season will be like, what autumn and winter will be like, we have to prepare for that, from education to restoration work ”, he said.

He waits and that there will be layoffs.

“A fall of three percent is expected, our government is more optimistic, they tried to imitate the demand with measures, all the measures strengthened social peace, the layoffs were, but not great, we’ll see how it will look.”
