Nikolic: Our voters did not vote for the coalition with the SNS – Politika


One of the founders of the West Serbian movement left this organization due to an agreement with progressives on local government in Sabac.

The bottom line is that our voters were certainly not in favor of that coalition.

Nikolic: Our voters did not vote for the coalition with SNS 1Photo: TV Sabac

It is very ugly for me to say any negative comments about my colleagues until yesterday. I don’t want to work like that, and neither do I. We have been in politics together since 2003. People are probably changing. Money and power change people, so I can’t judge what happened there, Dragan Nikolić, one of the founders of the West Serbian movement, told Danas, who decided to leave the mentioned movement after the leadership led by Nemanja Pajić after eight years. the cooperation with Nebojsa Zelenovic reached an agreement with the progressives of Sabac.

When asked if the possibility of cooperation with the SNS was mentioned earlier within the movement and which of the officials was the first to make contact with people from the SNS, Nikolic replied that he did not know and that he found out about the coalition when it had already emerged. .

– That’s one of the problems. I am the founder of that movement and I had no information that there were contacts. Well, now to state when the contact took place, I really don’t know – says Nikolić.

When asked if he will continue to deal with politics, he replied that he will make a decision in the next period.

Before Nikolic responded to the call from our editorial office, he issued a statement in which he announced that he was leaving the Western Serbian Movement and spoke about the reasons for such a decision.

– As one of the founders of the Western Serbian Movement and someone who has always fully contributed to the realization of the ideas and principles of this organization, and with visible results in my work, I inform the public that my membership in this movement is ending. The reason for this act is known and clear to all our fellow citizens. After years of fighting for democracy, freedom, the introduction of the system in the work of local self-government, the improvement of the quality of life of our fellow citizens in all areas, it is absurd that the Western Serbian movement makes agreements and a coalition with those who advocate a policy completely opposed to this – said Nikolic in a statement.

The Danas newsroom tried to contact the West Serbian leader, Nemanja Pajić, but did not respond to our calls or text messages, in which he was asked why, after eight years of cooperation with Nebojsa Zelenović, he decided to form a coalition with Srpska. advanced match.

It should be recalled that the Municipal Board of the Serbian Progressive Party in Sabac issued a statement on Monday stating that in a meeting with representatives of the West Serbian movement, they reached an agreement “on the objectives of the program for the benefit of all Sabac citizens.”

Following the announcement of the aforementioned announcement, the current mayor of Sabac and the leader of Together for Serbia, Nebojsa Zelenovic, said on Twitter that the fight for a free Sabac continues.

– We have brought criminal charges for electoral theft that violates the constitutional order, against (Milan Ostojić) Sandokan, the police chief and the progressives. No betrayal will stop us! Until the victory of normal Serbia – said Zelenović.

Although the progressives won the coalition partner Together for Serbia, the City Election Commission was supposed to decide again in yesterday’s session whether to accept Zelenovic’s objections and whether the elections will be repeated in 19 polling stations due to irregularities. The deadline to make a decision expired at the time of concluding this issue.

It should be remembered that in the previous session, the GIK did not make a decision on the repetition of the elections based on objections, because the vote of the members of the commission on this issue was pending. The decision of the Administrative Court was awaited.

Vera Palinkaš, a member of the GIK and a lawyer, announced in yesterday’s edition of the Danas newspaper that she would adopt Zelenović’s objections, because they were all tested on the basis of the minutes of the work of the polling stations. She noted that according to the law and the court’s decision, the commission will make a decision on the adoption of the ex officio exception in yesterday’s session.

It should be remembered that due to the electoral irregularities of June 21, the GIK annulled the elections in the 100 polling stations in the local elections of Sabac, and before the appeal of the SNS, the Administrative Court of Novi Sad made the decision to repeat the elections in 27 polling stations. About 58 percent of voters went to the polls on Saturday, September 5. The SNS declared an electoral victory. However, complaints and objections to violations of the electoral rules were raised again.

People’s initiative: electoral fraud

The People-City Initiative announced that it was very shocked by the procedure of the West Serbian movement, its recognition of the election results when meeting with representatives of the SNS. “The first part of the ruling coalition, the Western Serbia movement, has shown that it wants to participate in the crime perpetrated by the SNS, and misled all the voters who gave their support, thinking that Western Serbia, led by Nemanja Pajic, It is a serious movement that wishes the best to all sapcos. “, They affirmed in a statement. They also said that the Town-City Initiative openly invites all voters to give their vote to the Nebojsa Zelenovic list in the elections that will apparently be repeated, and that Sabac is ours and thus defend the normality and freedom that the inhabitants of Sabac deserve. .

New party outraged

– The new Sabac party, as a member of the New Team for Sabac – Jelena Milosevic coalition, is disappointed to say that it is outraged by the actions of the West Serbian movement led by Nemanja Pajic, that is, the West Serbian talks with representatives of SNS on any issue, especially the future of Sabac and Shapcan – said the board of Sabac of the New Party.

– We of the New Party think that “those who plant pumpkins on their heads are beaten by the devil,” we constantly warn about this and that is why we made the decision that there will be no cooperation with the most vampiric parties of the 90s (SRS, SPS, SNS and the like). price, even if the sky collapses, it is stated in the ad.

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