Nikola lives with his sick father and only dreamed of this (KURIR TELEVIZIJA)


Nikola Petronijević is a pedestrian student living in a village on Mount Golija.

His mother died and now he lives with his sick father Milivoje, who is everything in the world to him.

Nikola travels about 15 km a day.

And then they go home, if what they live can call a house, because the roof is about to fall on their heads.

In September, we visited Nikola and his father with humanitarian Hido Muratović from Novi Pazar.

After our story aired, their lives began to change.

Thanks to good people, Nikola received a New Year’s gift that he could not even dream of.

“In nine days we built them a house, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a hallway, and I can’t believe how happy that little Nikola is now,” says Hido, who took us to visit this family.

During our stay, a smile never left the face of the modest and hardworking boy.

He became a child who laughs again.


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Author: delivery courier
