Nikola Đurđević’s parents are desperate after the verdict of the terrible accident near Preljina


The Čačak court delivered the first instance verdict according to which Esad Fejzović (41) from Tutin was sentenced to three years and two months in prison for causing a traffic accident in Preljina, in which Nikola Đorđević (28) from Bresnica died on May 21, while Miljko Djordjevic suffered serious bodily injuries.

In the morning, Tutinac, fleeing police persecution, collided with a car in which there were young people who were going to work in Čačak. After being in a real car accident on the road, Fejzović fled because he was smuggling cigarettes. He was hit by the security of a nearby company.

Family and friends attended the public reading of the verdict and confirmed that the suspect was given two years for the crime of causing general danger in traffic, six months for fleeing the police and eight months for illegal cigarette trade. The parents and family of victim Nikola Djordjevic are outraged by the low sentence imposed by the court.

– Is my 28-year-old son’s life worth so much? Should I serve two years for killing my son and destroying my home? When I heard the verdict, I wished I was gone, fell to the ground. It would have been easier for me if someone had killed me, by passing this shameful verdict they killed me and my family a second time, says Father Miladin Djordjevic indignantly, adding that the entire investigation was carried out irregularly, especially during the experience on the speed at which Fejzovic was driving and the police investigation.

photo: RINA

– The expert calculated that Tutinac was driving at 90 per hour, and also determined that the police pursued him at 114 kilometers per hour. I did not get an answer to the question of how it is possible that the police chased him for a full seven kilometers – says the father, emphasizing that during five trials they had no lawyer, but they thought that justice would be served, because in this case the matter was clear.

– While the trial was going on, I received phone calls from a man who introduced himself as Fejzović’s brother and offered me money to resign from the position. He said we could regulate everything, but I refused. In the end, he said, “If you don’t want to take the money, there are those who will.” His wife also called. By the way, while in custody, Tutinac divorced and became a single father to two minor children, a shame if that is an extenuating circumstance for him – says the father of the injured young man.

A lifeless family

Mother Svetlana has been stunned since the death of her son. She goes to the cemetery every day, mourning her son and brother.

– Still not reconciled with having lost it and just gave birth. His brother drowned when he was 19 years old, so now he sees him and his brother in the picture of the monument to his son and mourns them both. Nobody in the house laughs anymore. Today the daughter is defending the teacher and we are crying out loud. This is how life has become for us – says Miladin.

( Čeković)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
