
Photo: PRINTSCREEN / INSTAGRAM, Youtube Printscreen
Nikola Keljanović (21) was the center of attention when we filmed him a few days ago near Delta City, where he crashed a golden “Porsche” that he had been driving for some time.
After the strong comments he provoked in public, Nikola responded to everything we saw that interested people.

– The public was attracted to my way of life, fast driving, easy women, money. It is the dream of every man. I got the money through Instagram, and easy women, they appear alone, although I’m not so interested anymore, Nikola started the story for Telegraf.
He says his parents are against what he is doing, bothered by negative comments, but admits that he often and intentionally provokes with his actions.
– My parents are against this, I don’t care about negative comments, they bother my relatives, my mother, my father, those people are not from that world. My father has a construction company in Germany, my mother is doing something, it does not matter … Honestly, mother, who asks if I am her son, she says no (laughs). His father is in Germany, the Germans are his business partners, he has not yet come to Germany … – he added.
– Dan Bilzerian, I am of the same style, only that I am in Serbia and he in America, so now I have to write: “He is like that, like that”, because I don’t have one. What do I care? He is for himself, I am for me. They do not know me, how I am in private, to say that I am arrogant, they can only judge that on Instagram – he said.
Nikola finished architecture school and thinks he doesn’t need a college education, and claims that people respect him because he has money.

– If I have money, everyone will respect me, what do I care if someone is fake or a true friend of mine? That is being observed now. If I run out of money and nothing, we’ll see who gets me, but I won’t give up just yet – explains Keljanović.
– I care about trust and friendship, I see who I like to see. Now, whether someone will be my true friend or not, that’s all, later. I cannot break it in any way now, someone who is not in this world, some normal person cannot break it, someone is always looking for some benefit.
– I’m a fool, it’s interesting for everyone, they like to spend time with me. I think I am a good person, I help someone who needs help, who called me for some financial or advertising help, I always published, I paid. For me, I think I am a much better person than those who comment on me – says this young man.
Nikola often drives over the speed limit, which can be seen on his Intagram profile, notes that he often has a problem with the police.
– I have many friends who are policemen, who are in court … And I have a problem with the police, let’s say, almost every other day. It’s really not a problem, they stop me, they control, what I was doing … Not a bigger problem now – he points and adds:
– I pay fines, everything is in order. I saw a comment that I don’t pay taxes. Taxes, fines, I pay it all.

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Author: delivery courier