Night transport in Belgrade is canceled: starting tomorrow night without buses



11.17.2020. 15:39 – 17.11.2020. 15:49


bus, Photo: Alo! / Dejan Briza

The Ministry of Public Transport has made a decision on the temporary suspension of the lines in night passenger transport from tomorrow afternoon, that is, from the night of November 18 to 19.

The decision was made in accordance with the order of the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations Belgrade city territory, which prohibits all catering services, shops, shopping centers and other commercial establishments, theaters and cinemas, organizers of special and classic games of chance and other facilities from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., it is stated in the announcement of this secretariat.

The temporary suspension of work will be carried out on 24 night lines, which operated from 00:00 to 4:00, and these are the following lines:

47N Trg republike – Resnik train station

51N Republic Square – Aguas Blancas

56N Trg republike – Rušanj

68N Republic Square – New Belgrade / Block 45 /

202N Republic Square – Veliko Selo

706N Republic Square – Batajnica

27N Trg republike – Mirijevo 3

33N Studentski trg – Kumodraž

75N Trg republike – Bežanijska kosa

15N Trg republike – Zemun / Novi grad /

26N Dorcol – Brace Jerkovic

101N Trg republike – Padinska skela

601N Trg Slavija – Dobanovci

29N Studentski trg – Medaković 3

301N Trg republike – Begaljica

31N Studentski trg – Konjarnik

37N Republic Square – Kneževac

308N Slavija – Veliki mokri lug

401N Dorcol / Danubio / – Pinosava

511N Republic Square – Sremčica

Republic Square 32N – Višnjica

304N Republic Square – Ritopek

603N Republic Square – Ugrinovci

704N Republic Square – Campo Zemun

After the abolition of the measures adopted, transport will be reestablished in night lines and the Ministry of Public Transport will inform the citizens in a timely manner.
