NGOs point out that we are among the poorest in Europe, the statistics are something completely different


According to the Association of Free and Independent Trade Unions, on October 17, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, more than two million people in Serbia welcomed the poor. In 2019, the at-risk-of-poverty rate improved by 1.1 percent compared to the previous year, according to the Republic’s Statistical Office, however, civil society organizations say that Serbia is one of the countries poorest in Europe, and the situation will be further aggravated by a pandemic. It is in process.

Compared to the previous year, only slightly better statistics: the risk of poverty was reduced by just over 1%.

And next to the building in which state finances are controlled, there is a sign that makes you think about how much the improvement really feels, so we asked the citizens.

The first fellow citizen in the survey was not satisfied with the standard.

N1:How would you assess the standard of living in Serbia?

– Catastrophic.

N1:Not satisfied?

– Absolutely not.

The other party had a different opinion.

N1:How satisfied are you with the standard of living in Serbia?

– Okay, I’m satisfied. How would you rate it? From one to ten? Two and a half, three.

N1:Why so low?

– The average is like that.

The third speaker did not get a good grade either.

One and a half.


From 10.

The last respondent in the survey was also not satisfied with the standard of living.

– Mean bad to say.

N1: For what?

Well, you just can’t cover the basic costs.

Danilo Ćurćić of the organization A11 warns: poverty in Serbia is omnipresent and victims of extreme poverty are not only in social danger, but perhaps even the majority of people who work for a minimum or less, but also around 66 per percent of citizens unable to afford housing costs.

“All when it is added with very low social benefits in general, with uncertainty in the labor market, the situation is in fact dire and the question is whether with this approach, which is a kind of negligence, above all we can reach someone .. at least let’s stay in the state we are in now, ”says Ćurčić.

Regarding the rate of risk of poverty or social exclusion, that is, the percentage of people at risk of poverty, material deprivation or living in very low-intensity households, the data show that minors were at greater risk of poverty in 2019 – almost 29 percent of them, but also young people under 24, that is, more than a quarter of them.

Regarding the type of household, more than half of the families with three or more children were exposed to the highest risk rate, as well as a little less than 42 percent of the single-parent families. According to the employment situation, the most exposed were the unemployed, followed by the self-employed.

Seconds: Behind us only North Macedonia

Where is Serbia positioned in terms of determination in the fight against poverty, for example in the region? Danilo Vukovic from the organization “Secons” says: if the parameter is the number of poor, only North Macedonia supports us.

“If the measures implemented by the State are taken, then the issue is very complex and it is almost impossible for us to enter into the analysis of all the measures, but one of the ways in which we analyze how good the measures are is how much they help women. people to get out of poverty. “How many of those who are covered by poverty? And we see shortcomings here, “Vukovic said.

And the long-awaited and often mentioned social map can help eliminate the shortcomings.

According to the Minister of Social Affairs, Zoran Djordjevic, it will allow those who really need more help from the state.

“By introducing the ‘social card’ system, all citizens’ data will be in one place. A fairer distribution of aid will be guaranteed, as well as a more transparent and efficient realization of all the rights that legally belong to the citizens, “said Djordjevic.

The A11 organization, on the other hand, is not convinced of the determination of the institutions because, they explain, the fight against poverty has been a priority for years.

“The ministry that deals with social problems, in fact, during its mandate, did not contribute to solving that, not even before. Measures were even adopted that put the most socially threatened in additional danger”, believes Danilo Ćurčić. .

Both A11 and Secons conclude: poverty will be further aggravated by the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic and, to at least maintain the level at the current level, more than 100 euros will be needed “from a helicopter”.
