Next year, the reconstruction of Liberation Quay: “Zemun will be a great construction site”


Belgrade – Deputy Mayor Goran Vesi today visited the municipality of Zemun, where he spoke with newly elected leaders about future cooperation and joint projects.

Source: B92

Photo: Depositphotos, Violin

Photo: Depositphotos, Violin

On that occasion, he pointed out that this municipality will be a great construction site also next year, regardless of the reduction in income that is a consequence of the economic consequences caused by the coronavirus.

“Next year we will begin the reconstruction of Liberation Quay, which will be renovated as Sava Quay and Sava Promenade, to finally shine in all its glory. Together with JP ‘Srbijavode’ we will continue to build a new pier until reaching the Pupin Bridge, which is also “In addition, we have started the design of the Lido – Kej oslobođenja pedestrian-cycle bridge, and we hope that it will be completed next year, so that in 2022 we can begin to build the bridge,” Vesi announced.

He noted that the reconstruction of the Spirit house, that is, the Zavija Museum in Zemun, has been completed. According to him, that is very important because Zemun has its own history and it would be a shame if that house was not renovated for so many years, reports Beoinfo.

Next year we will start working on a garage on the plateau in front of KSC ‘Pinki’, which is important for citizens considering that there is no garage in this part of the city. Also, the Belgrade City Council will try to solve the problem with the private owners of ‘Pinki’. that the city of Belgrade must take control, because now it is falling apart and must be returned to the town of Zemun, ”said the deputy mayor.

The mayor also announced that the reconstruction of the main street in Zemun will begin in 2022, when Liberation Quay is completed, and that a monument to Branko Pei will be erected in front of the Zemun municipal building.

“The most important thing for the people of Zemun is that we will start building the subway at the end of next year. We started with the depot in Makiko polje and hope that the subway will be finished by 2027. One of the two lines we are working on at The same time is through Zemun. The station will be where the train station “Zemun” is located today. This means that the quality of life of people in Zemun will be completely different, “emphasized Vesi.

He explained that through the BG train expansion project, the Zemun railway stations are connected to Surin and Obrenovac.

“Today we talk about what to do in Ugrinovci, Altina, Busija and all the settlements in the vicinity of Zemun. We will make a plan for each of these units, which will last for ten years,” Vesi said.

He added that it was especially important for the citizens of Zemun to complete the design of the sewage treatment plant in Batajnica, and that there would be no more sewage that would flow over Zemun and pollute the Danube and Sava.

“Citizens know that there are still many problems, but they also know that we have done everything in these eight years in every part of Zemun, that is more than decades ago. That is why we want a plan to be made for each of these settlements and for people to know exactly that will be done in the next ten years, “Vesi said.

He finally announced that over the next year, the City of Belgrade will complete the reconstruction design of the Air Force Command building, which will finally shine in the pride of Zemun and Belgrade.

Zemun Municipality President Gavrilo Kovaevi said he was very satisfied with today’s meeting.

“Today we had concrete proposals and ideas, and we have already started to implement some of them. In the next period, I hope to specify tighter deadlines and concrete activities. In addition to the main topics and projects that are being worked on, we also discuss smaller problems , everyday, reconstruction part of Novogradska street, a way to help fellow citizens in Milan’s Uzelac street, where the building sinks, as well as the design and expansion of Batajnik Drum. and playgrounds, but also all the others projects whose implementation should start soon, “said Kovaevi.
