Newspaper: “The fight of the lion to save the patriarch”; “The corona virus has mutated and has a greater potential to spread”


The newspaper published on Friday, November 20, writes about the current state of health of the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Irinej, as well as the session of the Crisis against Kovid 19 File.

Source: B92

“Politika” dedicates the headline to the state of health of the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church “Doctors fight for the life of Patriarch Irinej”, and brings an interview with virologist Ana Glii titled “The corona virus has mutated and has greater potential of propagation “.

“Veernje novosti” writes “Lion’s fight to save the patriarch” about the fact that the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church suddenly suffered a health condition as a result of the coronavirus, and also writes on the police website “Obru 2020” titled “Helicopters and ‘Lazar’ defeated terrorists”.

“Fight for the life of the Patriarch” writes “Blic” about the condition of Patriarch Irinej, and also brings a text about the session of the Republic of Crisis Tab for the fight against the coronavirus “Stiu nove mere”.

On the threat of the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vui, “Kurir” writes “Two clans offered money to kill Vui”, as well as on the state of health of the SOC Patriarch Irinej, “Prayer for the Patriarch”.

The newspaper “Alo” on the epidemiological situation in Serbia writes “Crisis sheet today on new measures”.
