News from the south: the replacement of the lighting in Nis will be carried out by a foreign company related to the highest government


At the City Assembly session, Nis councilors approved a draft public-private partnership agreement for the replacement and maintenance of lighting in that city. The opposition councilors objected because, as they affirmed, this item on the agenda did not go beyond public discussion, and there are great doubts that the company that got the job, the Slovenian Resalta, has links with the government leadership.

As it says South news portal, the increased attention of the sixth session of the City Assembly was caused by a public-private partnership with a company related to Prime Minister Ana Brnabić through her former employer, Slovenian Resalta, who will be in charge of the streetlights in Niš for the next 15 years. achieve energy savings.

Opposition councilors from the citizen group “Nis, my city” objected.

Councilor Branislav Jovanović connects the lighting in Niš with state officials and his close relationships with the Slovenian company that landed the job.

“So everything in this city was turned upside down. We had no problem with the city lights in the previous period, is it a problem to change the light bulbs in this city? What problems did we have with the light, what savings are we on? speaking, where is it on paper, what will happen in 15 years? Why aren’t Nis companies offered? “, Jovanović wonders.

Councilor Miodrag Stanković’s main problem is that the theme of the new lighting was not transparent.

“We are against the agenda item because this issue did not pass public discussion, it is a lot of money, the bidder gave a lower price, but it is serious money for the city of Nis. I think it is completely inadmissible to bring so much important decisions for the citizens of Nis. So not only is the coronavirus present, but there is also an epidemic of public-private partnerships, “said Stankovic.

However, the councilor and commissioner of the Nis Progressives, Zvezdan Milovanović, says that such objections from the opposition about the transparency of contracting for lighting maintenance are not true.

“The process began approximately two years ago, this is the third session of the City Assembly to discuss this issue. All this time it was on the City’s website on public procurement, anyone who wanted to get involved could participate. “says Milovanović, as reported by Južne vesti.

The consortium around Resalta, a company that, as the portal writes, is connected to Prime Minister Ana Brnabić through her former employer, landed a job estimated at around 1.6 billion over the next 15 years of street lighting maintenance. in Niš. After the City Council gave the green light to the draft public-private partnership agreement, it was adopted by the councilors of the Nis Assembly.
