As “Novosti” finds out, a new detail has appeared, which the public has not known until now: another mobile phone, whose content is not artificial. Furthermore, the letter from the Court of Appeals says literally that “it is inadmissible to make such a decision before examining all the evidence.”

INVESTIGATION Davor Pernić, Private Photographic Archive
It should be recalled that the Superior Court in Negotin rejected the VJT’s accusation with the explanation “that its evidence is contradictory”, although it was unequivocally established “that four people were killed by shooting two types of weapons”, as well as that They found cigarette butts near the crime scene. , in which a DNA trace of Maja Bađikić was found. “

By the way, this is the second time that the High Court has returned VJT’s indictment against Badjikicka. Sources close to the investigation affirm “that it is not remembered that in such a case, the main trial does not begin even one year after the massacre near Jabukovac.” As a result of this evolution, it is expected that the trial in this case can be assumed by the Superior Court of Zajecar.

Photo for SMJ
The prosecution charged Badjikic with killing Dragana Jozeljic, along with Pernic and Raja Kazimirovic. Davor is also charged with the murders of Dragica Kazimirović and Ljubinka Oprikić.
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