NEWS DISCOVER: In Novi Pazar, they grazed a shot by grazed – details of the bloody party


Suspect of murder, S. Š. (39) de Novi Pazar is on the run and the police are looking for him intensely.

Injured JP was admitted to the Novi Pazar hospital, according to unofficial information, he received a blow to the leg and is not in danger of death. Everything that happened was recorded by security cameras, and the recordings appeared on social networks shortly after the confrontation.

The police and judicial authorities of Novi Pazar have not yet announced how and why the confrontation with revolvers took place and what preceded it.

According to unofficial information, the murdered Seljatin Janjeva, owner of the “Seljoturs” agency and several buses and vans that transported passengers and goods, called Pastor JP, with whom he did not get along, to come to Jalija Street, supposedly to “talk about something. He left the previously loaded gun in a planter, under one of yours on the sidewalk of this street. When JP by car, in which his friend S. Š. Was also present, arrived at the agreed place, first a brief discussion began which quickly turned into an argument. At one point, S. Š. and JP got into the vehicle, most likely with the intention of moving away from the scene, however, Janjeva ran towards the planter, took the gun and began firing in the direction of the vehicle.

One of several bullets fired hit JP in the leg. At that time, S. Š. and shoots from the vehicle in the direction of the attacker. After he was beaten, Seljatin fell onto the sidewalk and later turned out to be dead at the scene. Whether he was hit by one or more bullets will be known after autopsy.

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