New surveillance system in the fight against coronavirus


A new electronic system of state agencies will begin operating next week, which will help in the fight against the epidemic, announced the director of the Office of Information Technology, Mihajlo Janković, at the Crisis Personnel conference.

“As of next week, a new system of state agencies is in operation, whose main objective is to make communication as efficient as possible. Health inspection solutions and other important information will be created electronically and sent through the portal, E-health or E-government portal. Ezdravlje portal, self-assessment service on kovid is also possible for foreign citizens, “Janković said.

The main objective is to interconnect different information systems, in order to make epidemiological surveillance more efficient and transmit information on whether a citizen has crossed the border or is infected with kovid to various state authorities, and surveillance measures are generated, pronounce and delivered electronically to citizens. , He explained.

That is why the information systems of the Ministry of Health, the Trampoline Institute, the Ministry of the Interior, the Information Technology Office and the Ministry of Justice were integrated.

The new electronic system will allow that, if it is confirmed that the person is positive or has been in contact with a positive person, as well as if they come from high-risk countries where the epidemic is increasing, this information will be sent to the E-inspector system . The decision on the isolation measure imposed, as well as the termination of the measure, is created in electronic format and is available to citizens immediately after the expiration of the measure through the E-health or E-government portal, as well and the Ministry of the Interior for its control. the isolation measure is violated, the inspector creates fault reports that are sent to the court electronically so that the necessary measures can be taken, “explains Janković.

He also recalled the electronic services currently available.

“Kovid self-assessment test, both for citizens who have returned to the country and for those who are in the country and want to check if the symptoms indicate kovid or not. In the electronic health portal, they can see the results of the test after PCR test appointment. On the E-Government portal you can electronically schedule an appointment for PCR tests on personal request, almost 8,000 appointments are scheduled. The service is also possible for foreign citizens, and appointments can be scheduled for five members of the family. In the portal donate plasma, citizens who are recovered and have antibodies, can request if they want to donate blood plasma, “he said. Director of the Office of Information Technology and Electronic Administration.

About the details of the crisis staff conference in the video:

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
