New section: 3 people died, another 96 were infected



102 users and 44 employees were infected in social protection institutions and homes for adults and the elderly

Today, in social care institutions and homes for adults and the elderly the presence of coronavirus has been confirmed with 102 users and 44 employees.


There are 16 patients in Čačak hospital

16 patients were hospitalized in all wards of the Čačak General Hospital, which were converted into one ward.

In the last 24 hours, one patient was admitted and six were discharged.

In the last 24 hours, 10 patients were examined at the Čačak General Hospital admission and triage clinic with symptoms and signs of covid infection, of which the first three were exams.


Three more new patients died in Kosovo and Metohija

In Kosovo and Metohija, in areas under the supervision of the Kosovo government health system, three people died of kovid in the last 24 hours 19.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, 551 people have died with, according to doctors, other accompanying diseases.

The Pristina Institute of Public Health recorded 119 new cases of coronavirus infection based on tests of 474 samples.

A total of 13,910 people have been infected in Kosovo and Metohija since the outbreak of the epidemic. 10,300 cases were cured and 3,059 cases were activated.


Kon: I wrote to the Prime Minister because I think now is the right time.

Kon says that Prime Minister Ana Brnabić wrote for the first time on June 10 after the game, and for the second time now after indoor events that they are against all measures.

“I’m reacting now because I think now is the right time,” Kon said, adding that we are now entering the fall-winter season and that he believes the time is right to talk about it.


Kon: We still do not give in to the measures

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon says that when it comes to Belgrade, there is no question or doubt that the situation is calming down and is at a lower level of values. However, he adds that between seven and 20 positive cases are still detected every day in the capital.

“The virus is here with us, and the calls to respect the measures are not without reason, but they should be stronger, especially since the children went to school, because it also depends on what is happening outside the schools Kon said.

We’re still not giving in to the measures, Kon notes, adding that it’s important to adhere to them now that kids have started school, students have returned to their homes and universities for exams.


Kisic Tepavcevic: there are still a significant number of people who are reservoirs of infection

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević told the press conference that in recent weeks we have had a downward trend in the total number of laboratory confirmed cases, but that the number is not linear.

“What is evident, we have a decreasing number of cases and an increasingly stable epidemiological situation,” said Kisić Tepavčević.

“We must mention that there are still a significant number of people who are reservoirs of infection and that a significant number have asymptomatic forms of infection,” added the doctor.

Therefore, we once again call on everyone to adhere to these measures, which have proven extremely effective, stressed Kisić Tepavčević.


39 patients with respirators

In Serbia, three more people died from the coronavirus and another 96 were infected. In the last 24 hours, 10,833 tests were carried out. There are 39 patients on respirators.

It was also carried out Crisis staff meeting in which it was assessed that the measures taken so far have yielded results and that Serbia is on the right track in the fight against the coronavirus.

Students are invited to wear masks and protect their health and the health of others.

Epidemiologists say the data can be said to be relatively good, but the numbers fluctuate and we shouldn’t influence.

They also point out that there is no implementation of measures without supervision.
