New rules for children to go to kindergarten in Belgrade


Belgrade – During the first week since the opening, 3,966 children returned to Belgrade’s kindergartens, which is less than expected, Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesi said.

Source: Beta, Tanjug

Photo: Printskrin / TV Prva

Photo: Printskrin / TV Prva

Vesi told RTS today that because of that, the city administration received consent that starting Monday, May 18, employer confirmation of parental employment, which was necessary this week, will not be necessary for the admission of children in kindergartens.

“None of the registered children will be returned, but if they have a place with their children, it is better not to bring them during May,” Vesi said, adding that all recommendations and measures are followed in kindergartens due to the coronavirus epidemic. .

Vesi stated that 5,890 educators were returned to work, but not those who worked in Kovid hospitals in the previous period and have 14 days off before returning to kindergarten.

According to his regime, to date, when the last day for children to apply for enrollment in kindergartens, 17,700 applications have been received for a total of 12,700 vacancies, and the ranking list of children admitted to kindergartens will be published. on 1st June.

Vesi also said that 78,000 children were enrolled in state kindergartens and another 20,000 in private kindergartens in Belgrade, and the city plans to build at least six more kindergartens by the end of the year, including in Ukarica, Beanijska kosa and Obrenovac.

New Monday rules

Vesi stated that, since kindergartens were opened, less than seven percent of children have been in kindergartens, although 25 percent were initially announced.

He said that the epidemic is not over and that all necessary measures must be taken, non-contact temperature measurements at the entrance, barriers, protective equipment for educators …

“It is recommended that the groups be reduced, that the groups do not interfere, and that it be recommended that classes be held in the yard as much as possible,” he said.

As he said, the deadline to enroll children in kindergartens has been extended.

“Enrollment is still going on, yesterday there were 17,700 applications at 12,700 locations. We will only know the final number today. We will have a ranking list by June 1,” he said.

He also announced the construction of six new nurseries by the end of the year, and construction of four, he says, will begin immediately.

“One in Ukarica, one in Beanijska kosa, in Obrenovac. They will be installed, and the deadline for completion of the works is a maximum of six months,” he said, adding that Belgrade is the first local government in Serbia with more than 70 percent of children in kindergartens. it is, he says, the Serbian Government’s target for 2021.

“We have 58,000 children in public kindergartens and about 20,000 in private kindergartens,” Vesi concluded.
