NEW REGULATIONS FOR ANNUAL HOLIDAYS IN KORONA Those who can use the days off from this year until December 2021, and those until June 2022.


In the last session, the Government of Serbia adopted a conclusion that extends the legal deadlines for the use of the annual leave of 2019 and 2020 to all employees of social and health care who did not exercise that right due to employment during the pandemic of kovida 19, as Blic Biznis has learned. .

This conclusion was taken at the proposal of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, and in accordance with it, all those who work in these areas and have not used their vacations from 2019 to June 30, 2020, may do so, such as required by law. to do so no later than June 30, 2021. At the same time, those health and social workers who could not exercise their right to vacation from this year because their jobs related to the kovid 19 pandemic prevented it, will be able to use the first part for two weeks, ending on December 31, 2021. while they may exercise the right to the remaining days until June 30, 2022.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

Our source from Nemanjina 11 states that the deadlines for annual leave for health and social workers have actually moved one year relative to what is required by law.

-This conclusion was taken by the Government in order to eliminate the legal obstacles for these people to exercise the right that the Labor Law grants them, but also employment contracts. It should be noted that a large number of health and social workers did not exercise their right to annual leave for this and the second part of the previous year because since March a special labor regime has been in force for them due to the Kovid 19 pandemic. corresponding to them by law, the Government, at the suggestion of the Ministry of Labor, recommended that employers extend the legal deadlines for the use of annual leave by one year. If this had not been done, the people who are in their workplaces in social and health institutions day and night would have been sanctioned, although they did not voluntarily decide not to use their vacation days that belong to them – says our interlocutor.

It adds that estimates show that there are a significant number of employees who would be denied this right without this conclusion.

– There are health institutions, especially those that were in the covid system, where more than half of the employees did not take advantage of their 2019 and 2020 holidays. These people are on the verge of resistance and it would not be appropriate if they were not met. This anomaly was pointed out by a significant number of health directors and some social institutions, and the Ministry of Labor responded to their requests. The Government had to draw a conclusion because otherwise the managers would violate the Labor Law, which clearly defines the deadlines for the vacations used for the current and previous year – says our source.

The Government of Serbia has confirmed to us that the conclusion has been reached and that its objective is not to deprive health and social workers of the rights defined by law and employment contracts.

Holidays for others as before

By the way, the Labor Law establishes that the employee uses the annual vacations of the current year for that calendar year, and is given the possibility to exercise the right to those not used until June 30 of the following year.

If you don’t, you lose the right to those days off.

Also read how much salary and sickness you are entitled to during quarantine and crown treatment.
