New problems for migrants in Shido, citizens protest and demand the return of the Army.


There are cables, tapes and warnings around the plot, and an alarm and spotlights on the first farm next to the migrant center in Adasevci. To protect both the house and the yard, Milenko Gićanov does not separate from the whistle and the megaphone.

“Both during the day and at night they enter, come, unfold the hives, remove the honey, literally break the hives, eat six tons of corn, destroy the garden, the orchard, everything is registered by the police, the third, fourth year already tough, “complains Milenko Gićanov from Adashevo.

The problem is increasing since the army left the municipality, the abandoned houses are gathering together and burning again, there are everywhere in the towns and in the city, Shida residents say, concerned about safety.

“I fear for my children, they are constantly disturbing our peace, breaking into our houses, stealing and there have been many incidents,” one citizen told RTS.

Predrag Danilović, a representative of the Shida youth, presents the citizens’ requests.

“Our demands are that all illegal migrants be removed from the streets, that the number of migrants be reduced with the capacities of our municipality, that the Army return urgently because we were very safe when the Army protected those reception centers and that the NGO ‘No name kichen’ rushed to the territories of the municipality and the Republic, ”says Danilović.

1,900 migrants are housed in three migrant centers in the municipality with some 30,000 inhabitants. There are 250 of them in Shido. The number of illegal people trying to cross the border every day is unknown.

“Until now, very few times we have had police complaints against our users, most of the perpetrators of these incidents are migrants who are in transit and who rarely appear in the centers or refuse to enter the system organized by the state”, said Vladimir Sulovic, shift manager. Sid station reception center.

Concerned Shida residents sent requests for the protest rally and walk to the Commissariat for Refugees and the local government.
