NEW NUMBERS FOR CITIES A 3 days in a row has a worrying number of infected, is it a NEW APPROACH OF KORONA


The capital is still the city with the most infected in 24 hours, shows the latest crown section for Serbia, and according to the latest figures, the situation in Kragujevac is still not calming down.

Let us remind you, in the last 24 hours in Serbia, 6,504 people were tested for the corona virus, 203 of them were positive, while sadly two people died. According to the latest data, there are 25 patients on ventilators in Serbian hospitals, while yesterday there were 22.

From yesterday to today, another 74 people test positive in the capital, while Kragujevac still has 23 new cases. The same thing happened yesterday, and the Kirz headquarters for the fight against the crown has been “guarding” this city for three days in a row.

Two days ago, almost one in five people who were tested for kovid was infected here, that is, 18.8 percent (the so-called Kon coefficient) or 17 of the 90 people who were tested. In this city.

Yesterday the situation here was even worse, so there were 23 new patients, the same as today, so the numbers here are not calming down.

It seems that relaxed behavior, especially of young people, has once again put the entire population in danger.

– The specific problem of Kragujevac is that the citizens are not consistent in the implementation of the general measures. Masks, distance, hygiene, that’s the key! There are also celebrations and gatherings that should be avoided. A large number of people in a small space is a risk. People do not understand that this virus is not going to disappear anytime soon, and that everything is on everyone’s conscience, the chief epidemiologist of that city, Dr. Predrag Delic, warned yesterday.

Kragujevac has a worrying number of people infected for three days in a rowPhoto: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

Kragujevac has a worrying number of people infected for three days in a row

The doctor, who is an epidemiologist and deputy director of the Public Health Institute in Kragujevac, said yesterday that “an increase in the number of infected has been noticed in recent days” and that “the data warn.”

According to him, the most important thing now is to monitor the contacts of those infected and assess the situation as uncertain.

Other cities

Today, Nis also jumped from 9 to 15, while the situation today is much more favorable in Valjevo, which “dropped” to 8 today from 23 yesterday.

Today, Vranje and Zrenjanin have 6 new infected each, Ćuprija and Rača 5 each, and the rest have 3 or less than 3.

VIDEO: See how fast the corona virus is spreading in a restaurant
