New Novi Sad Police Chief’s Priority: Posters?


Last night, the militants of the Popular Party were identified by members of the intervention police and the gendarmerie, while on Partizanska Street in Novi Sad they posted posters with the image of the mayor, the logo of the construction company Galens and the message “As they go up the floors, only money comes “.

The People’s Party Commissioner for Vojvodina Borislav Novakovic calls it political violence, the new head of the Police Administration in Novi Sad announces himself publicly for the first time and denies allegations that anyone has been detained, and the Serbian Progressive Party says that Novakovic, and in 2012, provoke things out of fear.

Thursday evening, Partizanska Street, Novi Sad. Eleven activists of the Popular Party are interrupted by the police when they put up posters with political content.

“I think we were glued together for seven or eight minutes. At that moment two intervention police teams came and what struck me the most was that the gendarmerie came and asked us an anthological question: who are you and what are you doing there,” says Borislav Novakovic.

They showed up, Novaković says, and after that, identification followed. They recorded everything with a camera.

“Well, in this video it is clear that the militants of the Popular Party are being treated as juvenile delinquents. We were ordered to stand against the wall, raise our hands, remove the contents of our pockets in a practical and practical way, the search began. As you can see, here I am they are looking for me, they put their hand in my pockets … before that they ordered me to take out my keys and my cell phone They didn’t let me call a lawyer and use my cell phone and it really has nothing to do with the human rights This was an illegal police intervention, “says Novakovic.

Novakovic sees this measure as a message from the new head of the Police Administration in Novi Sad, and calls the whole case political violence with unforeseeable consequences.

“Since Slobodan Milosevic arrived, since the introduction of the multi-party system here, it has never happened that the intervention police and the gendarmerie are settling scores with the opposition,” he added.

The United Opposition of Serbia also condemned the Novi Sad event, stating that “the illegal action of the police is proof that they are protecting crime.”

On the other hand, the SNS City Council estimates that things are happening to Novaković, for fear of the verdict he awaits.

“The essence is that no one was arrested for posting posters. First, no one was arrested, no one was taken to the police station, and no one was arrested. The police identified the people they found on the street, as they legitimized members of the SNS and all other parties hundreds of times. when they are in those night party actions, “says Miloš Vučević, Mayor of Novi Sad.

Is it common for intervention police and gendarmerie to legitimize people who post posters? It is a question to which we do not receive an answer from the Ministry of the Interior.

Slobodan Malesic, the new head of the Police Administration in Novi Sad, announced that Borislav Novakovic and others were not brought to the police station last night for identification.

This is the first official announcement from the Interior Ministry confirming that Novi Sad’s police chief has been fired. Previously, they were silent about it for weeks when asked by journalists. Such behavior towards the media is common for institutions in Serbia, according to the NDNV.

“This is just another test of how institutions understand transparency in their work and how they understand sharing information about their work with citizens and journalists,” said Norbert Shinković, president of NDNV.

The result of last night’s action by party activists the next morning is not visible. On the wall of the busy street, in front of Galen’s new complex of buildings under construction, there was not a single sign with the image of the mayor and the logo of that company.
