The Serbian government, which has not yet been formed, already has a deadline, until spring 2022, if the words of the first man of the SNS are to be believed. It will have 21 ministries, three of which are new. These are areas that should be covered by other legal and administrative frameworks, and the question of what they will do remains unanswered.
Ministry of Attention to the Family and Demography, Ministry of Rural Attention. New ministries and old themes. According to Natasa Dragojlovic of the EU National Convention, those areas were already covered by the departments of the Ministry of Agriculture or Regional Development, which was in the Ministry of Economy.
“So I don’t know why all this is now being raised to the level of new ministries and how then it is a continuity government unless we count only personal continuity in the form of the prime minister who was and will remain or some ministers who were in it. previous government, “says Dragojlović.
He also asked how the family department would be complementary to the competences of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.
The Dveri movement reports that they have been talking about these two ministries since they entered politics.
“If I were a deputy today, I would raise both hands in the National Assembly for the proposal of the new Law of Ministries,” Bosko Obradovic said in a statement.
“Unfortunately, these ministries are not being introduced because the government has understood their importance, but because public opinion polls have shown them that these are their two weakest points and that they have done nothing about them in nine years in power. For almost a decade, the authorities have not remembered families, towns and social dialogue; it’s hard to believe that they have sincere intentions now, “Obradović said.
Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue – another department that must be implicit in the Constitution and applicable laws. There is still speculation with personnel solutions. Thus, Blic writes that this ministry could be headed by Gordana Comic, a former official of the Democratic Party. We were unable to obtain your comment to confirm or refute these writings.
We heard in the Assembly of Serbia that this ministry is still needed.
“I am deeply convinced that people in Serbia do not understand what the word dialogue means. Dialogue, as our famous philosopher says, is when you have a conversation with someone who does not think like you. In Serbia, people have not learned to listen to themselves. each other, “said Deputy Zarko. Obradović.
The deputy said in the parliamentary call that he cannot boast of the diversity of opinions.
“Dialogue is always possible, the Assembly is a place for dialogue. Yesterday and today will be tomorrow. And all those who want to dialogue with the other party, with those who do not think like them, can find spaces for dialogue in the Assembly”, He said. Žarko Obradović.

Natasa Dragojlovic points out that it is of utmost importance for civil society what will happen with the office for cooperation with civil society.
“It was insufficient for dialogue in society and that implies some new institutional mechanisms,” says Dragojlović.
We should know the composition of the new government on Sunday.
For now, we know that it has a deadline and that it has already missed historical deadlines, the most anticipated government in the last two decades.