NEW MEASURES WILL BE INTRODUCED! Kon confirmed, this is what they mean and when they mean


– People are invited to celebrations and birthdays on social media. This is not an individual case, but open calls. It needs to be controlled and sanctioned. The question is whether it can be controlled. That is why we also have to think about restricting circulation, and that invades human rights and requires legal frameworks. Just insisting that the measures be implemented involves some concrete steps, Kon told TV Prva.

He said that tomorrow in the Crisis Staff session, it will surely be decided on the extension of the measures that already exist and on the possible introduction of new ones.

– With the resolution of whether there will be new measures at the borders – yes now it is just a technical question how it will be implemented. So that’s decided – he said and added that it will be possible to go to Serbia only with a CP test or self-isolation – home quarantine.

Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović announced earlier today that crisis staff will bring new measures tomorrow, among which a PCR test is mandatory for everyone entering Serbia. The test should not be longer than 48 hours. Those without a PCR test will need to be quarantined for 10 days, Tiodorović told RTS.

Speaking of the restrictive measures, the epidemiologist said that the curfew has saved 1,000 lives so far.

– When the state of emergency and curfew were introduced, at least 1,000 lives were saved. For those who weren’t clear then, I think it is now. The end of winter and the beginning of spring was an ideal situation for the transmission of the virus, we remember well the effects of these measures. It is clear that experience shows us that this is the most effective measure – says Kon.

He adds that crisis personnel insist that all measures be respected.

– The medical part of the Crisis Staff insists that there should be no meetings, if it cannot, then the State must solve this problem and introduce measures to solve it – he said.

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