NEW MEASURES STARTING TOMORROW! The working hours of all the facilities are shortened, EVERYTHING CLOSES AT 11 PM


– All pavilions can operate until 11 at night, including those with gardens, it comes into effect from scratch – said the epidemiologist and member of the crisis staff for the fight against the corona virus, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

As we learned, all catering facilities, as well as stores across the country, will only be able to operate until 11pm starting tomorrow. We remind you, the garden facilities could work up to an hour after midnight, so that will change from tomorrow.

In her speech to the press after the crisis staff session, Dr. Kisić noted that the situation was alarming.

Tighter control

Epidemiologist Darija Kisić Tepavčević also says that the control of the application of measures will be stricter throughout Serbia, and especially in those parts where the highest number of patients is registered.

– Control and sanctions will be much stricter than in the previous period – Kisic Tepavcevic told reporters after the Crisis Personnel session.

We do not consider closing Belgrade

When asked if there would be a closure of Belgrade and the reintroduction of a state of emergency, Kisic said crisis personnel had not even considered that possibility.

“We have to learn to live with the virus,” he concluded.

Today the crisis headquarters have met for the fight against the coronavirus. It should be remembered that the epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, member of the Crisis Staff, said yesterday that the central theme of today’s session was the evaluation of the epidemiological situation.

– Evaluation of the epidemiological situation is basic, mainly in the territory of Belgrade. There is a slight increase in the number of infected people and hospitalizations in Belgrade. We will also discuss some parties of greater social importance – Dr. Kon told Kurir yesterday.

However, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, who told the press what was discussed today in the Crisis Staff session, did not mention the match.

Earlier, Kon also expressed his position that the masks could be mandatory if the situation worsens, that is, he is in favor of tightening measures, but also sanctions.

What epidemiologists have pointed out in recent days is that at the end of October, at the beginning of November, we are threatened by the third wave of the corona virus.

According to yesterday’s cross section, 7,076 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of whom 120 tested positive, and one person died. This number of infected is the highest since August 27, when we had 125 newly discovered cases. According to the latest data, these are respirators in health institutions throughout Serbia. 19 patients.

What is also worrying is that for days, almost half of those newly ordained have come from Belgrade every day.

VIDEO: How the coronavirus spreads while people sing
