new measures in public transport thanks to the crown




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The biggest fear of the citizens of Belgrade was how to provide the prescribed distance in public transport and how not to get infected in the general crowd on a bus. Practice so far has shown that this was not feasible, and Minister Lončar claims that they have a solution to this problem. It is not only clear to us how exactly the idea will be implemented.

As the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, said at today’s press conference, one of the new measures of the crisis headquarters is the introduction of additional lines of public transport, which will work in a way that has not been applied until now. .

– We will increase the transport of the city so that it is less crowded. When the city’s transport is full, up to 50 percent of the passengers will not stop at the next station, they will go further. Of course, it goes without saying that everyone wears masks on public transport, Lončar said.

As previously announced, it is being introduced a strict control measure of the obligation to wear a protective mask in public transport vehicles, with a limitation of the maximum number of passengers in the vehicle to half the declared capacity of the vehicle.

And the only question that remains is how they imagined the driver to determine which station he would not stop at. What if a passenger on the bus really wants to get out? It’s okay if you can tell the driver that it’s your station, so the driver can open the door. But that already means that it has stopped and that other passengers have the right to enter.

So who will ban other passengers from getting on the bus? Who will control that 50 percent of the capacity is really full? Okay, if, for example, four of them left at a station, will someone stand at the door and count to enter as many more, and the others will be banned from the possibility of transportation? And according to that principle, it will be decided who is the priority to get on the bus and who will wait for the next line.

We are afraid of how this measure will be implemented …
