NEW MEASURES IN BELGRADE! These are the temporary working hours of the CAFE, here is the time it will be possible to play MUSIC


The Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations in the territory of the City of Belgrade has made a decision, which will come into effect today, that catering facilities that have a garden can operate until 1:00 on October 31, and not only on weekends, as prescribed by valid city decisions. .

– In this way, we, as the city of Belgrade, want to help catering service providers to more successfully overcome the economic consequences of the Kovid-19 virus epidemic, which has greatly affected the service sector – he said. Vesić.

He explained that, according to current city decisions, catering services in residential buildings can operate until midnight Monday through Friday and broadcast music until 11 p.m., in accordance with all prescribed restrictions related to the regulation of noise levels. On weekends the working hours are extended to 1 hour, and the possibility of broadcasting music until midnight.

Belgraders favorite hangoutsPhoto: Zoran Ilić / RAS Serbia

Belgraders favorite hangouts

– Now, all catering facilities located in residential buildings will be able to operate until 1pm every day and broadcast music until midnight. This decision will be valid until October 31, when it will return to normal operating mode. The restriction for the work of indoor catering facilities, which can only operate until 9 p.m., remains in effect, Vesić said.

This decision will surely be approved by the catering companies, but not by the citizens living in residential buildings within which there are cafes with gardens, mainly due to the frequent problems with the loud music that is played from them, and with which the authorities could not leave. final.

According to Vesić, all health protection decisions made by crisis personnel regarding disinfection, wearing masks, and maintaining social distance apply to the work of catering facilities, both indoors and out. the gardens.

– I call on catering companies to join them because this is how they protect the health of their employees, but also the health of the guests – added the deputy mayor of Belgrade.
