NEW INCIDENT WITH MIGRANTS IN SERBIA: Man found with knife to chest, police block entire area


On the street of that town in the municipality of Novi Kneževac, the locals found him and reported him to the police. The injured migrant was later transported by the Emergency Service to Senta General Hospital, it was confirmed to “Novosti” at the Kikinda Police Administration.

– So far it is not known if there was a larger group of migrants in that place, if a fight broke out between them, if there were more participants, among other details. The case is being investigated, the police teams are searching the area in that place and a wide investigation is being carried out, which includes the Zrenjanin Superior Prosecutor’s Office, we learned of the bodies that are working on the clarification of this case.

In this part of northern Banat, there is always a larger or smaller number of migrants, moving in groups or individually to get closer to the Hungarian border.

In the previous weeks, they were noticed in the cities of Djala, Banatsko Arandjelovo and Srpski Krstur. Some even clashed with the residents of Arandjelovo, but there were no massive fights.

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