NEW DISGUSTING ATTACK ON DR KONA! HATE GRAPHITE appeared in the building of Novi Sad (VIDEO)


Anti-Semitic graffiti targeting epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, a member of the crisis staff, appeared overnight on a building in Novi Naselje, just a few hundred meters from the only covid clinic in Novi Sad.

This is not the first time Dr. Kon has been attacked. Earlier this week, a video appeared in which this doctor is brutally insulted.

The Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, condemned the insulting graffiti against Dr. Kona and said that the graffiti would be removed through urgent action by the anti-graffiti unit.

“As mayor of Novi Sad, but mainly as a man, I was deeply disturbed by the insulting graffiti of anti-Semitic content against one of the heroes of our time, Dr. Predrag Kon, and the entire Jewish community,” Vučević said in a statement.

He says he is convinced that hate graffiti is “the work of a sick individual, glorifying the totalitarian regime and the Holocaust in such a shameful way.”

– That stain will be urgently washed from the facade of Novi Sad – said Vučević, who demands that the authorities establish as soon as possible who is responsible for this vandalism.

Anti-Semitic graffiti appeared overnight on the corner of Jovan Dučić Boulevard and Bata Brkića Street, right next to the bus station. “Dr. Kona on a stake” is written on the facade of the residential building and the Star of David is crossed out, which is a clear anti-Semitic message.

VIDEO: Party and concert in Belgrade in the middle of the crown: “Dr. Kone, look at this”
