NEW DECISION OF CRISIS STAFF The doctors explained how the TESTS will be in kovid, who will be RETURNED and why (VIDEO)


“I ask the citizens, and as of today it is an official decision, to appear in the ambulance so that the work of the hospital admission triage clinics does not get bogged down. For normal patients, it takes an hour and a half under normal conditions, and five hours when busy. The hours of the kovid clinic have been extended until 10 pm It has been decided that all patients who are not in danger of life and who report directly to the hospitals will be returned to the kovid clinic, said the infectologist and director of the Clinic of Infectious Diseases Goran Stevanovic.

The Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, held a meeting with the directors of the Kovid hospitals, in which certain measures and recommendations were adopted.

– All existing problems were considered. The situation is dire. The places in the Belgrade clinics are completely full, but it was agreed to make detailed visits so that those who are near the end of the therapy are transferred by Serbia to Nis and Kragujevac, said infectologist Mijomir Pelemis.

He noted that his goal is for all seriously ill patients to be where adequate protection can be provided, and for those who do not need oxygen to move where there are places.

Crisis headquarters

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Crisis headquarters

– We have a large number of receptions, the pressure is great in the ambulance. Currently there are no problems with attention. We can be happy and give the good news that we have good doctors, but we adhere to the measures so that we have as few patients as possible – said our expert.

Dr. Goran Stevanović confirmed that the patients will be redistributed.

He stated that if we take care of everything in hospital admissions clinics, we will miss those with vital consequences.

– 404 patients are currently at KBC Zvezdara. The capabilities have been maximized. We have so much every day as we shoot. The severe clinical picture predominates, showing the amount of daily oxygen consumption. Six tons of oxygen go a day, one day it was seven tons, which is enough for half a year under normal conditions – said the director of KBC Zvezdara, Petar Svorcan.

More than 400 daily examinations are performed at Infectious in one day, said infectious disease specialist Ivana Milošević.

– Everyone will be cared for, regardless of whether it is an easy or difficult patient. We do not divide people into young and old. Call as soon as you feel the first difficulties – Dr. Pelemis was clear.
