NEW CROWN STRIKE More than 60 people died, the number of patients on respirators increased


In the last 24 hours, 22,243 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 7,802 of them tested positive, while sadly 61 people died.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, there are 288 patients on ventilators in hospitals throughout Serbia.

Let us remind you, yesterday we had 22,069 people tested, 7,919 of them tested positive, while sadly 52 people died. According to yesterday’s data, there were 270 ventilator patients in Serbian hospitals.

The current black daily records in Serbia are: 65 deaths, 7,999 positives, 288 people on a respirator, and 22,837 analyzed in one day. More than 7,700 people are currently hospitalized in Serbia.

We encourage you to have the Serbian Government adopt tomorrow a decree on new measures, according to which starting tomorrow, all catering facilities, as well as many service facilities, will be closed at 5 p.m. and will not operate on weekends. of week.

The good news is that two vaccines will soon arrive in Serbia: “Fajzerova” and “Sptnik V”.

The scientific journal “Nature Neuroscience” published a scientific article that answers one of the most intriguing questions when it comes to KOVID-19 disease: why do the senses of taste and smell disappear? The answer to that question, read here.

VIDEO: Six Questions About the Coronavirus Vaccine
