NEW CROWN JUMP: 2,142 new infected, 29 deaths


NEW CROWN JUMP: 2,142 new infected, 29 deaths

Photo: Shutterstock, Covid

In the last 24 hours, 13,323 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 2,142 tested positive.

Unfortunately, 29 people died from kovida-19.

cross section of the condition, corona virus
photo: Covid

There are 189 patients on ventilators in hospitals across Serbia.

Cross section by cities

According to the data in the last section, the highest number of new infections continues to be in Belgrade, where another 566 new cases of coronavirus have been registered. In second place is Novi Sad with 151, then Nis with 107.

In other populated places, a double-digit number of new cases was registered, and this is the exact territorial distribution:

Kragujevac 68

Sabac 54

Kruševac 40

Uzice 39

Vranje and Kraljevo after 38

Subotica 37

Jagodine 35

Valjevo 32

Pancevo 30

Bajina Basta and Sremska Mitrovica on 29

Loznica 26

Backa Palanka 22

Prokuplje and Cacak after 21

Other settlements less than 20 positive people.

By the way, the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Dr. Goran Stevanović, said today that the situation has finally stabilized, that is, the number of patients with kovid 19 requiring hospital treatment is in balance with the number of those who are successfully recovering and discharged from the hospital.

– This allowed the capacities of the health institutions in the spas, which were a significant support in the kovid system, to return to their normal function, said Stevanović.

Let us remind you that, in addition to the US-German vaccine “Pfizer-Bayontek” and the Russian “Sputnik V”, the Chinese corona virus vaccine from the company “Sinofarm” will soon arrive in Serbia.

Citizens will be able to choose which vaccine to receive. Serbia is one of the few countries in the world where up to three vaccines will be available to citizens in the shortest time possible.


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Author: delivery courier
