NEW CROSS SECTION OF THE CROWN More than 2,000 infected per day, DRASTICALLY JUMPED the number of people on respirators


In the past 24 hours, 8,299 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 2,112 tested positive.. Unfortunately, 10 more people died.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, there are 106 patients with respirators in health institutions in Serbia, 29 more than yesterday.

Photo: COVID19 / screenshot

Let us remind you, yesterday we had 11,192 people tested, of which 2,677 were positive, which was a record. Yesterday 9 more people died and the number of patients on respirators increased to 77.

The number of new patients with the corona virus continues to increase, so the capacity of the hospital is filling rapidly, and during the last night, Belgrade patients with symptoms of covid were sent to the hospital in the surrounding places: Smederevo , Mladenovac and Pozarevac.

The Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, said this morning that it is not a consolation for us that someone in the neighborhood has more deaths and infections, and it is the final moment of solidarity to try to stop this growing trend in the number of people infected with the crown.

– I asked the citizens not to make any contact that they did not have to do to try to stop this growth trend. We have to comply with that for 10 days, not go to risky meetings. Is it a problem that you don’t go to concerts, parties for 10 days? – Lončar said.

A new crisis staff meeting is also announced for early next week and, due to the escalation of the crown, we are threatened with further stricter measures.

The director of the Serbian Clinical Center, Milika Ashanin, said that the situation with the coronavirus in Serbia is very unfavorable and extremely unstable. “Our hospital capabilities are already overcrowded right now,” Ashanin said.

VIDEO: Sequence of symptoms in coronavirus
