New controversy between Belgrade and Pristina: who wanted to travel where and who refused when


Kosovo and Serbia reached a “memorandum of understanding” last week to suspend mutual visits, provided that excavations of a suspected mass grave suspected of killing Albanian civilians during the recent war in Kosovo continue, Radio Free Europe reports. According to European Union sources, this agreement was concluded immediately after the Pristina authorities rejected the request for a visit from senior Serbian officials. By the way, the visits of Serbian experts to Kosovo and from Kosovo to Serbia are regulated by the Brussels agreement.

Who wanted to travel where and who refused when: There is a multi-day controversy between officials in Belgrade and Pristina. And it all started when the Minister of Kosovo, Meljiza Haradinaj Stubla, announced her departure for Raska. He wanted to visit a place suspected of being the grave of a missing person from Kosovo.

She canceled her visit and at the same time said that Vučić, Vulin, Đurić and Petković’s request to visit Kosovo was an insult. Earlier in the week, the Serbian president confirmed that there were requests from both sides.

“They wanted to send the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who wanted to make her own political demonstration in Raska municipality. We said it was absolutely inappropriate at this time, but if you want, I will go to North Kosovo first and in seven days I will go digging in the vicinity of Gjakova. Since they sent us a letter, we sent them a letter, “said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

During that time, Miroslav Lajcak wrote letters. Directorate Pristina – Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo.

“Non-compliance with these agreements sends a very negative signal to Kosovo’s credibility as a party to the dialogue process. Such violations even undermine efforts to normalize relations between the parties and increase tensions on the ground. This has a particular impact. in the ongoing discussions on a future comprehensive agreement, “Lajcak said. .

Avdulah Hoti is already preparing a pencil to answer the same.

“Of course we respect the agreements, we defend free movement, we work in the dialogue process to end all open issues, which are sometimes very sensitive and we respond in that context. I received a letter from Mr. Lajcak to which I will respond. Any request for a visit will be considered in the context of the sensitivity of the circumstances we are going through, “said Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti.

The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija states that Vučić’s visit was not prohibited, but postponed due to the death of Patriarch Irinej.

The Kosovo minister is known for his non-diplomatic statements towards Serbia, explains Milica Andrić Rakić. He says that a possible visit would not affect the relations between the two parties because otherwise they are bad.

“It would certainly hurt the issue of the missing. There is still a lot to reveal about that and specifically about this case in Raska. So I don’t think it is necessary to leave politicians out of the issue of the missing as much as possible, although it is really difficult. “thinks Milica Andrić Rakić from KoSSevo.

He also recalls that the president’s request to visit northern Kosovo came during the campaign for mayor of North Mitrovica.
