Belgrade: The new bus station, which will be located in New Belgrade, will have 65 platforms, and the train station complex will have a total of seven tracks.
Source: B92

Photo: Depositphotos, nephew
The Secretariat for Urban Planning and Construction Affairs announced an early public viewing of the Draft Amendments to the Detailed Regulation Plan of the Bus and Rail Station Complex in Block 42 in New Belgrade.
According to the draft, the bus station will cover an area of 9.2 hectares, and part of the train station complex should cover an area of 3.5 hectares.
The road network with the annex to the bus station will cover about 9.5 hectares.
The bus station, as written in the Preliminary Project, will have 44 departure platforms, 12 arrival platforms and 9 arrival / departure platforms for tourist lines, that is, a total of 65 platforms within the construction complex of the bus station.
There are also plans for 30 parking spaces for longer bus stops nearby.
The goal is for the entire complex to have accompanying facilities for bus station users, which would provide a higher quality of service.
According to that, an attached commercial space, a supermarket with a garage and a parking space are projected, and the construction of a fuel supply station is also allowed.
According to the draft, the station square is projected onto Antifašističke borbe street.
The station square must provide unobstructed pedestrian access to the public transport stop, car access to the station building for station users and taxis, a taxi station for a minimum of 20 vehicles, parking for short stays of passenger vehicles with a minimum of 40 parking networks, entrance / exit to the underground garage. Green and free areas.
The station building is planned in the area between the station square and the platform space.
A public garage with 200 parking spaces is also planned, which should be designed with an entrance and exit from Đorđe Stanojevića street.
Inside the train station building, platform space must be provided for 5 existing and 2 planned tracks. The construction of the train station is planned below, up to and above the railway construction, towards Nova 1 and Antifašističke borbe streets.
The Plan boundary includes a part of the territory of the Municipality of New Belgrade, between the streets: Yuri Gagarin, Marko Hristić, Đorđe Stanojević, Nova-1 planning and Anti-fascist Struggle.
The area covered by the Plan is about 22.2 hectares.

Photo: Draft amendments to the detailed regulation plan of the bus and train station complex in block 42 of New Belgrade