New combat vehicles and weapons for the Serbian army: MRAP 6×6 in 2021 will be part of the units


Belgrade – The Ministries of Defense and “Zastava Oruzje” and “Zastava TERVO” of Kragujevac signed today a contract for the acquisition of military equipment and weapons for the needs of the Serbian army.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Line minister Nebojsa Stefanovic also attended the signing.

Stefanović assessed that this is the best way to use national knowledge, employ national companies and provide our soldiers with modern weapons and equipment.

“Today, we are contracting the purchase of new modular rifles for the Serbian army produced by” Zastava Oruzje “, which will be equipped with modern” Teleoptika-Žiroksopa “optical sights and new ammunition developed by our company” Prvi partizan “. We have also continued to invest. in our companies producing modern armored personnel carriers, “said Minister Stefanović.

He specified that today the purchase of a new MRAP 6×6 off-road armored vehicle is agreed, which will be part of the armament of the Serbian Army next year.

In addition, our “First Five Year Plan” of Trstenik developed a prototype and made a zero series of artillery and missile systems for Pasars, which will be a priority in the procurement of the Ministry of Defense next year, “said the Minister.

Stefanovic noted that he was happy that this was just the beginning of a large number of projects for the acquisition of modern equipment and weapons for the Serbian army, adding that the modern equipment was produced by the national defense industry “because that is the Strategic Vision of President and Commander-in-Chief Aleksandar Vucic “. and the strategic commitment of the Ministry of Defense “.
