New Belgrade heating pipe failure has been eliminated, and heating will arrive no later than the morning


The repair of the malfunction of the main heating pipe M1, in the heating area of ​​the “New Belgrade” heating plant, has been completed, but it is still unknown whether the users of New Belgrade will receive heating on Sunday evening, it announced JKP “Belgrade Power Plants”.

The hot water network is being filled with water, so there is a possibility that consumers will be heated at 10 pm, that is, at the end of the heating day.

“Otherwise, consumers in the New Belgrade and Calvary part will be heated on Monday, in the early hours of the morning.” The Belgrade power plants apologize to consumers once again for the inconvenience, “it says the notice.

KOrisnici in the New Belgrade part is not heated on Sunday at 7am due to, as previously announced, “immediate repairs to the failure of the main heating pipe.

Consumers in blocks 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 7a, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 65, 66, 66a, 67, 67a and the “Kalvarija” settlement were left without heating .

