Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said five signatures are needed for each military plane to take off, one of which is from the pilot himself.
Source: B92

Vulin said the plane is inspected before takeoff by engineers who give their approval for it to take off.
“Nobody can take off in a plane without receiving five signatures from engineers and mechanics who inspect the plane and the fifth signature from the pilot himself, where he also says that everything is fine and everything is ready,” Vulin told RTS.
He added that the Mig 21 plane that crashed in the Brasina region, near Mali Zvornik, was on a regular flight mission.
“It’s something we do every day, not a day goes by without a flight like that,” he said.
Vulin confirmed that a commission has been formed to investigate the cause of the plane crash.
“The Air Force and Air Defense Commission of Experts, led by General Aleksandar Bijeli, is currently on the ground, and the Serbian Army General Staff has formed a commission, led by Brigadier General Popovi,” he said. Vulin.
When asked when the first results can be expected, the minister said that he would not rush the commissions, but that they would do their best and that everyone was interested in knowing what had happened first.
He indicated that all the results obtained by the commissions are first sent to the Prosecutor’s Office, which decides whether and how the information in the report will be distributed.
Vulin said that the Mig 21 does not have a classic black box, but that it does have parameter loggers, which have not been found so far.
The accident killed two pilots, Major Dejan Krsnik and Captain 1st Class Zvonko Vasiljevi, and behind them, according to the Vulin regime, were three children.
“The tragedy struck us, of course we will take care of their children,” said Vulin.