New 27 vehicles for the logistics of the Serbian army PHOTO


Belgrade – Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic attended the delivery of 27 new non-combatant vehicles for the Serbian army at the “People’s Hero Stevica Jovanovic” barracks in Pancevo.

Source: B92, Tanjug

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense

He noted that after yesterday’s meeting with President Vučić, dedicated to equipping the Army, steps are already being taken so that all assigned tasks are carried out in the next period.

“We will do our best to continue equipping our even stronger units in 2021 and to show that we care about the people of the military. Our task is, in addition to combat vehicles, to improve the capabilities and non-combat vehicles required for the operation of our logistics units ”, emphasized the Defense Minister, appreciating that together with combat vehicles, which are the first association with the army, non-military vehicles are equally important for the operation of the army in various tasks.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Stefanović recalled that the Serbian army cannot fulfill its tasks without adequate, good and precise logistics.

“Modern MAN tanks, which can be seen here, enable proper maintenance of our aircraft. They have a large capacity and can supply two aircraft at the same time, just as these motor vehicles have one of the key functions in supplying the army. “Stefanovic noted.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense

According to Colonel Dragisa Zinaja of the General Directorate of Logistics of the General Staff, among the 27 non-combat motor vehicles presented today are 22 general-purpose vehicles: passenger cars, vans and delivery vehicles of various types suitable for the joint transport of people and equipment, which will be heavily deployed in logistics units, in order to guarantee better mobility of logistics teams.

“In addition, there are five special vehicles – three ambulances, which continued the renewal of the ambulance program, and two tanker trucks to refuel and refuel the aircraft, with the possibility of refueling for two aircraft at the same time in five minutes,” he added. Colonel Zinaia pointed out.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Also attending the visit were the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Serbian Army, Major General Petar Cvetković, and the Chief of the General Staff Logistics Directorate, Brigadier General Srdjan Petković.
