NETWORK THE NIKOLA WAY! Jokic quietly arrived in Serbia after NBA bravado and then AS NOBODY KNOWS, he did.


After the bravado of the NBA, our center of the national team returned to Serbia and, shortly after, delighted many.

Nikola Jokić reached the final of the Western Conference with the Denver Nuggets, in which the Lakers were better (who last night won the title with the final victory over Miami), and after the end of a tough season, the most famous player in Sombor returned to his homeland.

And, shortly after, it headed northeast toward Subotica.

The 93rd Serbian trotting derby was held there on Sunday, at the Bačka Equestrian Club racecourse.

But, Jokić not only came to watch the top 12 four-year race, he also came to enjoy it.

And help.

That is, thanks to him and the help of his family, the aforementioned Equestrian Club managed to close the financial structure in these economically difficult times of pandemic and organize a beautiful, and for the fans of these animals, an important event.

But not only that.

Nikola Jokić with Sandra Zekić during equestrian competitions in Subotica in the 93rd Serbian trotting derbyPhoto: Sandra Zekić / Private archive

Nikola Jokić with Sandra Zekić during equestrian competitions in Subotica in the 93rd Serbian trotting derby

As TV Prva journalist Sandra Zekić revealed for Blicsport, Nikola Jokić, always quietly, discreetly and without pomp, assisted in everything that had to do with horses.

“This was an event where he was with his family, the horses competed, and he literally helped them imperceptibly the whole time and hung out with friends. What a great guy and the impression of my week!” Sandra Zekić told us. announcing that next week the Jokićs will host the trotting league in their Sombor.

Nikola Jokić may be one of the best basketball players in the world, as demonstrated in the NBA league, but basketball is not his only love, nor is it the only place where he enchants others.

The attitude towards the 93rd Serbian trotting derby, their help, both financially and on the ground, shows it.

Video: 29 seconds of Jokic’s “fouls” against the Lakers
