Nestorović surprised everyone in the studio with his confession! The famous doctor opened his soul



26.12.2020. 16:36

Towards the end of the visit, he spoke in a New Years spirit about all that stormy 2020 brought and took away from him.

Branimir Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Screen Print / First

Former member Crisis staff pulmonologist dr Branimir Nestorović He was a guest on the Prva TV program “Jutro” where he commented on current events related to the corona virus.

– We cannot have as many beds as patients. Focus on the most difficult and easiest patients to relieve. The private sector made a lot of money, it could contribute a little. You had to intervene, prevent. The essence is to focus on those who may die, says Nestorović, adding:

– A period awaits us when we have to think to find the balance between virus and economy, and I like what we are doing. We are the most open country in Europe.

Towards the end of the visit, he spoke in a New Years spirit about all that stormy 2020 brought and took away from him. He digressed in an interesting way, comparing mortality during the siege of Leningrad, present-day Saint Petersburg, during the World War II, and the coronavirus:

– She took my trips, coffees, music, … I retired, it is a beautiful moment for me, My message is always the same: Imagine the siege of Leningrad for 4 years, so the people survived. This is not close to that. I think there were media outlets and more of them would die. My message is to live to enjoy life, stop worrying about viruses, instead of dealing with your lives.
