10.12.2020. 17:32 – 10.12.2020. 18:38
Nestorović Says Everyone Closed Cafes and Restaurants Due to Vuhan Case

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Screen Print / First
Prof. Dr Branimir Nestorović commented on the shortened working hours of catering companies due to the spread of infection in a television appearance korona virusom. The pulmonologist said calling the café a source of infection was unclear to him and he wondered where the evidence was.
On the After Lunch show, he gave an idea of how it is possible to report it, and that one could enter one of the bars when it is crowded and test in order. He further explained what this “experiment” might show.
– You close the cafes. You say: ‘It is a source of infection’. How is that garbage spread? It is not clear to me. But I am looking for scientific proof that this is true. So if I were the Minister of Health, I would go to a café that is full at nine at night, I would try them all and if there is one positive, I would try them in seven days. If it turns out that those who were in contact with the one who tested positive tested positive, and would have to be heavily pressured, then they are. Is there such a study in the world? None. The whole story of the cafes is based on a restaurant in Wuhan, where on February 20 a woman who was ill infected twenty-something people through an air conditioner. The whole world closed cafes and restaurants due to a study from Wuhan. By the way, now there are no more masks in Wuhan, there is no epidemic; He further stated that the epidemic broke out in Wuhan, a Chinese city where the infection is believed to have broken out.
The data from recent works, he says, speak of the post-coronary experience.
– And the most interesting of all, the work was published ten days ago, which everyone ignores, because that type of work is probably no longer interesting, from Wuhan, they say, post-coronary experience. They are already treating it as a consummated epidemic, with them it is over, with us the third wave. And they say that healthy people, those with no symptoms, practically never transmit the disease again and that there is no reason to limit anything. Thus they explain the pools, 300,000 people in the pool. And we close the cafes, because the crown is spreading in the cafes. Perhaps it is spreading. Let’s show that it is spreading – called Nestorović.
He proposed the same kind of evidence for sporting events. He estimates that by testing those who bought tickets, it is possible to determine if there was an infection in the match and, from there, make decisions on whether to allow or prohibit the hearing.
– We had a soccer match, when it was Partizan – Zvezda. The most terrifying children spat on those children. Is there anything simpler? Everyone buys tickets online. You have a first name, last name, phone number. Come to the test, you were in the game! Below is the number of people who were infected in the game; He states how it would have gone if the idea had been implemented: – You say, here, you see, 20% of people got infected in the game. You will not go to the games. But if none of them got infected in the game, what wouldn’t they play?
Because people don’t understand, football will die out. So how are they going to play without cards? Those who are playing this now in front of empty stadiums … First of all, I am disgusted. I will not see any game that is played without an audience. What is the purpose of a sport that takes place without an audience? So why the home field? Whose are you playing? In front of the cameramen – he asked.
Watch that part of the video on June 1, 1991: