Nestorović evaporated from the public, but today he was seen in the place where the coronavirus infection spread



08.31.2020. 23:30

Enjoy a hot summer day.

Doctor Branimir Nestorović

Dr. Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Printscreen / Happy

Family Serbian pulmonologist and one of the most prominent members of the staff Government of Serbia in the fight against coronavirus He has not been in public since July 5, when he appeared on the “Pink” television show “Hit Tweet”.

In the last almost two months, we have not had the opportunity to see the doctor known for several controversial statements on television shows where he has been a regular guest since March, but he has announced himself on social media on several occasions.

So he “uploaded” photos of his backyard, restaurant, but also published scientific journal articles on the corona virus.

Today, during the extraordinary session of the Crisis Staff, Nestorović posted a photo on Instagram that shows him relaxing with his family in one of the capital’s swimming pools.

Do you think Nestorović helped or hindered the citizens more with his views during the epidemic?

Total number of votes: 117

  • I think it helped everyone a lot because it encouraged the scared grenade: 81% (95)
  • Definitely lost, no one believes him anymore: 14% (16)
  • I did not follow what the doctor said in the media: 5% (6)

Let us remind you that Dr. Nestorović last spoke on July 5. In the midst of the vaccine story, he said he believes we should give our children safe vaccines.

– I think “Torlak” should be revitalized and we should produce vaccines, and then there will be no problems. We have been exporting vaccines for 35 years. Why would we import vaccines now, especially from those western companies, where we don’t even know what we get? People are afraid and that must be respected – he said then.

He also claimed that “a group of people contracted the virus in January and February” and that he found it a bit strange that the masks did not protect against the flu, but rather protected against the corona. He added that he did not know if he also passed the crown, “because these tests are not particularly reliable.”
