Nestorović and Janković differ on masks – Society


What is written in the US CDS study, on which crisis staff members and advisers disagree

Pulmonologist Branimir Nestorović, a member of the crisis staff, shared a tweet from an American journalist on his Facebook profile three days ago, indicating the results of a study by the American Centers for Disease Control (CDC), according to which ” 85 percent of all covid patients said they always or frequently wear masks. “

Nestorović and Janković differ on masks 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / DRAGAN GOJIC

“Americans wear masks, but masks don’t work,” wrote Jordan Schachtel.

In broadcasting this tweet, Nestorović also wrote his short comment “CDC scientist, masks don’t work.”

Nestorović’s announcement was reported by the media and was the subject of yesterday’s guest appearance by immunologist Srđo Janković, crisis staff advisor, on TV Prva.

Jankovic said the interpretation that the masks don’t work “is not the best.”

– When we look at that research, there is no place for them not to wear masks. It is not disputed that a mask is needed, of course the CDC does not say otherwise, but there are various interpretations of what is written there. That interpretation is wrong, Janković said, emphasizing that wearing protective masks in Serbia will soon be an open obligation when contacts are made.

The study (“Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 Among Symptomatic Adults = 18 Years in 11 Outpatient Healthcare Centers”) actually addresses the question: To what extent do visits to restaurants, cafes, and other spaces closed increase the risk of infection, while “efficiency” Masks as protection is not the focus of this article.

The study noted that people with confirmed COVID-19 infection were twice as likely to report visiting restaurants two weeks prior to symptoms compared to a control group of patients (a group of patients who tested negative on PCR. ).

Furthermore, patients with coronary heart disease, who had not previously had close contact with those infected, were also more likely to respond that they visited cafes and bars compared to the control group.

On the other hand, the research indicates that there was no significant difference between sick patients and the control group of patients in terms of the frequency of going to stores, participating in family meetings with fewer than 10 people, going to offices, visiting gyms, using public transport …

– The direction, flow and intensity of the air flow can affect the transmission of the virus even when the physical distance and the use of the mask are applied according to the existing instructions. Masks cannot be worn in the correct way while eating and drinking, while shopping and many other indoor activities do not interfere with wearing the mask, according to the study.

The research also included the results of the answer to the question about how often a mask is used, according to which 14.4 percent of those infected said they use it frequently and 70.6 percent that they always he uses it.

Flexible in schools

“Regarding the school, I think we have a flexible enough situation, so that if one of the students gets infected, it is not necessary to suspend the whole class. Right now, the groups of children are not the population in which the virus is transmitted, “said immunologist Srđa Janković. She explained that most of them are carriers of some other social group, but in fact, anyone who does not protect themselves can spread the virus, and that everyone should be careful to not to get infected, and thus avoid infecting others.

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