Nestor: weak, light coronavirus, difficult to get vaccines


Pulmonologist Dr. Branimir Nestorovi said the greatest caution is not necessary now due to the coronavirus pandemic, and that he does not believe the vaccine will be made.

Source: B92

Print / TV screen B92

Print / TV screen B92

“The right time is for all of us to contribute to this wonderful country of wonderful people. I believe that every tragedy and human catastrophe has a bright side. Those wars that were foreign in the 1990s raised Serb national consciousness, right? “The problem in Kosovo and it showed Metohija that there are some Serbs there. This crown showed a trait that I admire about the Serbs, and that is that we are supportive and disciplined people. So everyone who spit on us can say that we are better than the others ”

Genetics is also responsible for the good results among Serbs, Nestorovi said in an interview for TV Panevo.

“For those who are outside the risk groups, the pandemic ended for them, for the elderly who can still see. How long, I don’t know, maybe until the end of May. Maybe a mask if they are inside. Outside if they walk alone. ” , no mask required, no protective gear, UV rays are deadly to this virus, now it has become clear. ”

He stated that the coronavirus can be treated with light and that it is now important that we bask in the sun.

“A little more caution for two to three weeks for at-risk groups. For these other measures, they should follow the recommended measures, but they don’t have to. Now I don’t have to tell you, now is the individual responsibility phase. At first It is not the virus, he is incomparably weaker, there are no difficult patients, with a respirator. At this stage, everyone has the right to choose what to do. ”

As reported by local television, Nestor repeated that we now have the right to choose whether we will catch it.

He thinks the vaccine will be difficult to produce because the virus is changing.

Advise the elderly to use the bathroom, because the people who do it are calmer.

He referred to people who have not worked for two months, such as beauty salons, as he says, cannot wait.

“Public sector employees received salaries, and someone who owns a hair salon sat at home and had to pay the fees. We can’t wait any longer, 0.01% is the possibility of getting sick.”

The pandemic is over, now is the time to come back to life, Nestor noted.

He noted that it is unusual for there to be zero patients.

He also spoke about the fact that prayer is healing.

“The priests prayed for a group of people who were sick. They knew nothing about them, only the names and the diagnosis. It turned out that 40% of them were healed.”

“Now is the time to dedicate ourselves mentally and physically. The crown has shown its quality, we are in solidarity, and everyone can say that we are better than others and this has been seen in many ways. This is something biblical. They will see what will happen.” priorities to change. There were strange promotions and ideas. The world came to a strange situation. The crown was activated, in the elderly it was activated and died. This showed how much human health was ruined. It also showed the weaknesses of the system in the West. “NATO did not send any equipment to Poland. I was proud when we sent masks and equipment. We are that. We are small and we do not have great financial opportunities. We have demonstrated the qualities we have. We are the only multinational country in the Balkans.”

The virus in Italy was not from Wuhan, but from Korea, he told TV Panevo.

“In Italy, they had the current flu season, then the crown, and then in late February they had another crown. There are no zero patients anywhere. No one knows how the virus came. Virologists suspect that the virus came from China. If you really are someone This virus, which is very unusual, has properties that no one else has. We have never had a virus like this before. Such a virus has never existed before. It was a theory that attacks erythrocytes. It is not possible. No one in the world knows the answer to this question. There are some questions and mysteries left and we will not find out. There is a possibility that someone is believed to be there, “Nestor said.
