Neo-Nazis released a video of the desecration of the Tomb of the People’s Heroes in Kalemegdan


Neo-Nazis released a video of the organized desecration of the Tomb of the People’s Heroes in Kalemegdan, Novi Sad’s Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) claimed.

In a video taken during the desecration of the tomb, which also shows VOICE I had an idea, to see a group of neo-Nazis desecrate the Tomb. The video was signed with “Anti antifa Belgrade” and shows a group of uniformly trained people who first write graffiti on the walls of a Belgrade facade and on the window of a restaurant.

In the continuation of the video, a much larger group of people can be seen walking through Kalemegdan and stopping at the Tomb of the People’s Heroes, where, with Nazi shouts, they are writing the graffiti “Death to the Commune”. The nearly three-minute black-and-white recording was accompanied by music from neo-Nazi bands and ends with the message “You still exist, that’s tolerance.” The logo of the organization “Anti Antifa Belgrade” is illustrated with the “Celtic Cross”, an international neo-Nazi symbol.

“They are attacking people and property in an organized way, and they filmed the attack and desecration of the Tomb of the People’s Heroes of the anti-fascist struggle.” “Of course, there is no reaction from the authorities, and that is why we call on all anti-fascists to unite and be careful,” says the AFA’s Facebook page.

Before the incident, the Communist Youth League of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) announced a week ago that neo-Nazis had desecrated the Tomb of the People’s Heroes in Kalemegdan. On that occasion, they wrote the graffiti “Burn in hell”, and sprayed the busts of popular heroes with red car paint. During the previous desecration of the tomb, they wrote the messages of “Tito’s Ustasha” and the already described “Death of the Commune”, with the drawing of the inevitable four arrows, which are the supposed symbol of harmony and unity of the Serbian people.

The competent state authorities have never found the perpetrators of these atrocious events, although they have occasionally left recordings and photos of their Nazi parties on social media.

The tomb of national heroes in Kalemegdan, which was declared a cultural monument by decision of the Belgrade City Assembly in 1983, is located on the promenade under the walls of the Belgrade Fortress. It was built in 1948 and has the inscription “Death to fascism – freedom for the people.”

In that tomb were buried Ivan Milutinović (1901-1944), member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the PCY, member of the Supreme General Staff of the NOV and POJ, a lieutenant general of the NOVJ and a national hero Đuro Đaković (1886-1929), a union worker and organization secretary of the Central Committee of the PCY, Ivo Lola. Ribar (1916-1943), secretary of the SKOJ Central Committee, president of the USAOJ, member of the General Staff of the NOV and POJ and national hero and Mosha Pijade (1890-1957), revolutionary, socio-political worker and national hero

The remains of Ivo Lola Ribar and Ivan Milutinović were transferred to that grave on March 27, 1948, the remains of Đuro Đaković on April 25, 1949, while Moša Pijade was buried there in March 1957. The busts of Ivo Lola Ribar, Ivan Milutinović and Đuro Đaković were made in 1949 by the academic painter and sculptor Stevan Bodnarov, and the bust of Moša Pijada by the academic sculptor Slavoljub Stanković in 1959.
