Nemanja went for a walk with his girlfriend and never came back! KNOWN MOTHER CONFESSION (PHOTO)


Nemanja Anastasijević (18) from Zaplanjska Toponica near Gadžin Han was stabbed to death around six o’clock yesterday morning, while his girlfriend (14) was injured. The crime took place in an alley in Zaplanjska Toponica, and Nemanja’s friend and neighbor, Milan T. (18), whose role in the fight and the murder is being determined, was seriously injured.

Bogosav Anastasijevic, the father of the slain man, told Kurir that the drama began on Friday night and ended in tragedy on Saturday morning.

Z. Toponica, Zaplanska toponica, murder, Nemanja Anastasijevic, Milan Tanic
photo: DI

– The first conflict between the boys happened around midnight. Nemanja came home with head injuries, so I took him to the health center. The wound was healed and we returned home, where Nemanja’s girlfriend was joined. They drank coffee and sat down to rest.

After a few hours they went out for a walk and my son never came back – says Father Bogosav, while his wife Anica says that on Saturday around six in the morning, a woman called them and told them the sad news.

Z. Toponica, Zaplanska toponica, murder, Nemanja Anastasijevic, Milan Tanic
photo: DI

– He said we were going to look for Nemanja, because she was lying in the street. We ran like without a soul and found him in a pool of blood. He was alive so we tried to stop the bleeding under the ribs on the right side, he had five stab wounds there. He killed my son in the justice of God – says a mother crying.

Bogosav adds that the tragedy could have been avoided if the police had reacted in a timely manner after the first fight.

Adopted like a baby

According to his parents, the murdered Nemanja Anastasijević was adopted as a baby. – We adopted him when he was only 39 days old. He was a child as an example, we tried to give him everything in his life and now that he was about to live, he led him to death – shouted mother Anica.

– The son was attacked for the first time not far from the house and this was reported to the police. The young men of the group, in which Milan T. was allegedly injured, then hid in the village and were found only after the second fight, in which Milan T. was also stabbed, claims the father of the murdered man.

According to reports from a doctor at the Nis Clinical Hospital, the wounded Milan T. is undergoing various operations.

Milan T.
photo: Dragan Ilić

Suspect’s father: Nemanja came to our door for help

Dejan T., the father of suspect Milan T., claims his son was not in conflict with Nemanja. – On Saturday around six in the morning, Nemanja came to our door with his girlfriend and asked for help, saying that someone had assaulted him. Milan then set out to escort and protect them, but soon returned and shouted: “They stabbed me, let’s go to the doctor. As far as I know, the two were not in conflict – says Dejan.

– He has a stab in the chest and his condition is critical. A girl, who was in the company of the murdered, also had a stab in the chest, but is out of danger – says the source.

The police carried out an investigation in various places in the village, and not far from the house where Milan T. was staying, a knife was found, which is suspected of being used in the confrontation. – It is being verified who it belonged to and who used it – adds the source. Villagers complain of frequent clashes between young men. They say that alcohol and drugs often promote this. The exact reason for this fight is being determined, as well as how many guys participated in it. Ilić

photo DI

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