Neighbors of the burning building in Bac suspect that the fire was started by one of the neighbors


The noise woke me up as if the walls were collapsing. He was supposed to go to work soon and the noise was coming from the apartment upstairs. I got the documents and flew away. It was creepy.

This is the story of Anica Šipek, a resident of the building in Bač, where a huge fire broke out this morning.

The fire broke out this morning around four thirty in the Ekonomija 1 building. According to unofficial information, the fire started in apartment number 3 because there was no electricity in that apartment. It is not yet known exactly what the cause is, some of the tenants say it could be a candle, since there was no electricity in the building, and others that the fire was intentionally started by a neighbor who previously “threatened to burn them all” .

Andrija Surop, coordinator of Economy 1, says that the neighbor from whose apartment the fire started knocked on her door around three thirty and said the apartment was on fire.

– I told him well, let’s turn it off, but he replied that nothing more can be done and that I must take him from there. We went to the police station and when we returned a dozen vehicles were already putting out the fire, but there was no help. More than half of the tenants left everything inside, including documents and money, and kept what they were. The scene was amazing – says Surop.

16 adults and 11 children were evacuated from the building, and were housed with friends or in the Bac Sports Center and the “Cvrcak” Youth Cultural Center.

“He threatened to drop a bomb, set us on fire …”

Ljubica Hayek, one of the evacuated residents who were housed at the youth center, claims that SJ started the fire by repeatedly threatening to throw a bomb on them.

– I met him that day around four o’clock in the afternoon, he was drunk and he said the building would burn down today so I can’t believe the story that the candle is the cause. We were lying in the house and our son saved us, he broke down the door. We were the last to leave the building. I couldn’t collect the money, just my ID card. I have all the things – says Ljubica Hajek.

SJ is reportedly currently in police custody.

The burning building otherwise belongs to the “Agro Backa” company and was declared unconditional in the 1990s.

During the day some companies have already called that want to help the tenants, and as we learned from the municipality, the tenants will stay in temporary accommodation until the building is renovated.

The renovation is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.

( Kurir Print Screen)

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