Neighbors of the Bulat family have discovered hitherto unknown details of the arrest, it will give you chills when you read this! (PHOTO / VIDEO)



31.01.2021. 22:50

Marko and Marija Bulat

Marko and Marija Bulat, Photo: Instagram print screen

Singer Marko Bulat’s wife, Marija Bulat, recently found herself at the center of a scandal when she was arrested in her living room in New Belgrade, after which she tried to justify herself and find out HERE.

Her neighbors said they saw when they took her in and found out what happened after that.

– That beauty salon has been closed for a couple of days, the arrest took place there. All the end of the story about it, that news gets around quickly. From what I heard, they broke the windows of the bar, they caused damage and since then he has a padlock. Soon the teachers came and fixed everything, replaced the broken one. rumored to reopen soon.

Marija bulat

Marija Bulat, Photo: PrntScrn

– This is a peaceful ending and the news that something like this happened really shocked us. Especially since these are people we all know, at least by sight, children play together in the summer. one of the neighbors tells the story and adds:

– I’m not Maria and Marko’s first neighbor, but we live on the same block. They seem like family people to me, this is really a part of the Belgrade family and situations with arrests and arrests don’t happen every day. What can I tell you, I was surprised, but I also worried. There was a lot of noise, people were shouting, probably older neighbors were scared of the sight. I hope this does not happen again.

The older lady revealed that she sees Marija’s mother often, as well as that she couldn’t even imagine what kind of scene would take place there in the neighborhood.

– Before the crown and this winter, I often found them with children here in the park between the buildings. They are polite, cultured, call their neighbors, talk. Maria’s mother often comes to them to help with the children. There is Marija’s daughter from her first marriage and the two children she has with Marko, a boy and a girl. His children have been educated, they respect the neighborhood. My friend used to go to her salon all the time and saw Maria there often. He told me that the bar was locked and that it was the police, he really didn’t expect that. As for the neighborhood, I don’t think anyone had big problems with Marko, nobody complained to me – he says, as a worker at a nearby store reveals that he hasn’t seen Marija Bulat for a few days.

– They often come to the store for daily needs, they give the impression of being nice people. I know about the arrest and have not seen it since Marija was released from the police.

The latest details of Marija’s arrest were recently revealed, and you can find out HERE.

