Neighbors of Nis search for interceptors because of arrogant drivers, police do not respond to H1 call


After the last traffic accident in Nis, when a nineteen-year-old “Audi” ran over two passers-by, one of whom is a twelve-year-old boy, the people of Nis are back on the street. They seek a blunt and unequivocal reaction from the police to arrogant driving, and “interceptors” on the roads, which at night become training grounds to “go crazy” with cars. The Nis Police Administration did not respond to H1’s call to discuss the growing dissatisfaction.

Accident Monday night, after which Nis was speechless. At full speed, the “Audi” crashed into the pavement, hit pedestrians and barely stopped tens of meters away. A passerby died early from his injuries in hospital, due to the circumstances of the activists of the Sloga de Nis Union. The twelve-year-old boy who was returning home, by the force of the blow, flew about twenty meters over the fence. He died on the spot. Nis residents still light candles on Mediana Boulevard. For days, they warned about the car being “wild” here.

“That guy went crazy in the city for days, nobody stopped him, nobody touched him because of it. Why this is happening, who protects it, who generally protects these people when they do it on the streets, is really not clear to me. I think it is a self-destruction of society, we destroy ourselves with the tolerance of those people, and then that approach leads to what it has led to, ”says the citizen of Nis, Milan Miljković.

It led, again, to the discontent of the citizens of Nis, who have not yet forgotten the tragedy of the level crossing two years ago, when the train split a bus full of passengers in half.

Several hundred dissatisfied people gathered last night at the site of the latest accident. They ask the police for a clear reaction and for the whole system to send a message to everyone who is “going crazy” in the city with appropriate, non-symbolic punishments. H1’s interlocutor was among them.

“There is no adequate judicial punishment for an act committed here this year. So that child sees and hears how something happened … He is not afraid, he does his own. He gets in the car and drives,” says Miljković.

Activists and citizens remember that a girl was murdered on another boulevard a month ago, so while driving her car, she was run over by another at full speed, in red. A 24-year-old woman has been fighting for her life in the hospital for days, since on December 31, on New Year’s Eve, she was “cut” by a car, almost in front of the house.

“Has anyone seen police cars?” Not to control us who drive at 5, 10 or 15 kilometers per hour, but those who control arrogant driving. Why don’t we place five police interceptors in five critical locations in the city and avoid such things? ”Says Srdjan Nonić of the Niš Initiative.

When asked to speak on H1 about citizen discontent with road safety, now visible outside of social media, the Nis Police Administration did not respond. They are also silent on whether they plan to take further action now.

Residents of Duvanište and other residents of Niš are also expecting a reaction from the police. It will meet again at the place of the last suffering, in Mediana Boulevard, on Saturday exactly at 3:00 p.m.
