
His nose was cut off and his thighs were pierced with Nedeljko Goga bayonets, Photo: Kurir
The ustashas cut off my nose. The brother glued the cut piece with a cloth. He poked his nose into her filthy buttocks to stop the bleeding. My thighs were pierced with bayonets, and I still have boot phobias because they crushed the testicles of Serbian boys so that they no longer reproduce.
This is just the beginning of a shocking confession told to the Post by Nedeljko Nedjo Goga (84), who at the age of just four experienced incomprehensible horrors in Croatian camps: human slaughterhouses in Stara Gradiska, Jasenovac and Sisak.
My father does not know the grave
In these camps, Serbian children were tortured in the most monstrous way during World War II, starved and murdered in an unimaginably brutal way, and Nedeljko, today a painter and sculptor, miraculously survived a hell from which the devil is ashamed.

– My father fought in Kozara, and we were left weak at heart. Kozara fell. All perished. My father died there rescuing people in exile. Nobody could bury them, they stayed in the grass. Animals were sweetened by them …
When rescuers arrived, they only collected the bones, so I don’t know where my father’s grave is. We, who were in the background, were gathered and lampooned in the Stara Gradiška concentration camp, and then transferred to Jasenovac with my older brother, says Nedeljko as images of horror unfold before his eyes.
They raped my murdered sister
Nedeljko’s sister was killed in Kozara, and the memory of how the Ustashas raped and massacred her does not stop haunting him:
– The ustashas caught her on the road, on a dusty road. They raped her. My brother and I were in the mountains, very close. We saw. He kept his hand over my mouth to keep quiet. He fought persistently. They massacred her and continued to rape her. She struggled like this, blood leaking from her throat and falling to the dust. She had kike. They were covered in blood. That photo stayed with me, so when I was a boy and I would kiss a girl on the neck, I would cut myself.
You can’t even imagine that they experienced a normal mind there. Streams of blood, cries of desperate mothers, gurgling of nuns while the little ones are tormented, are indelibly etched in memory.
– They killed children in front of me. I should have been among them on several occasions, but each time a saint saved me and pushed me aside. They are terrible things. They kill a child, then they lick the blood from the knife … I remember, in Jasenovac, an Ustasha approached a Nedićka.

Asks you to pet the baby. She does not do it. He kidnaps her and yells at another who is five or six meters away: “Here you can see how cute the baby is!” He takes the boy by the leg and throws him away. He greeted her with a bayonet and said: “Here, Mom, I give you your son back” – says Goga.
In the Sisak children’s camp, children were systematically starving. Nedja says the children were so hungry that there wasn’t even grass around the fence.
A miracle saved him
Nedjo spent more than a year in the camps. He believes that Good Friday saved him:
– My mother was a machine gun assistant on the Kozara front. He told me countless times … In the middle of the night, a woman in white appeared on the parapet and addressed her mother. “Slavka, Vaso and Nedja are alive,” the woman said. My mother thought we were massacred in Kozara. She shot the Ustashas with a machine gun and said, “This is for Vasa. This is for Nedja. She enlightened us. The woman told her that we were in Sisak’s camp:” If you don’t come in three days, Nedjo will die and Vasa It won’t be long. “She turned and left. There was no sign or voice from her. The mother changed her clothes and went to Gradiška. She found a friend who was married to a senior officer. She was given an outsourcing and the opportunity to adopt children. When she entered the Sisak camp, she did not feel well. She told me: “The whole camp turned me around, because I saw the children of my sisters, brothers, neighbors, and I can only save you.” Is there a Vasa? He recognized her. He said, “Please take my brother with me.” I was a bag of bones. Only eyes in the middle of the head. The knees were balls and the thighs were covered with leather. My intestines hung out of me. I couldn’t speak … I had severe dysentery. She wrapped me in rags so I wouldn’t fall apart. She l It is said to the Croats: “I am going to throw this, the little one did not want it without his brother”. So we got to Strbac …
The evil of the nuns
– They cleaned it up as much as they could. And then they bring a big cauldron to such hungry children. Shake the earth to the ground. Children scream, fight, shove and it is hot. Starts screaming. Hell. And the nuns laugh … – remembers our interlocutor.
Red wine reminds you of blood and boots still give you an unpleasant sensation.
The nuns put glass in the food
In the Sisak camp, the nuns put crushed glass in food as a food supplement. The hungry children knew it, but the hunger was stronger. Many died, Nedeljka was saved by her brother.
– We had long shirts, my brother put the food that was thrown on the floor in his shirt, brought it to me and said: “You must not eat until I clean it.” Throw away the big pieces, but we eat the little ones. The glass and dysentery did their thing so my intestines hung up. Later it hardened. This is how my mother got me out of the camp. Others were dying …
– He got up when he saw the boy sitting, stepped on him. On the one hand he pressed his foot against his back to push him, and on the other he crushed his testicles with the boot. It is an unimaginable pain – says Nedjo, who, despite all that has survived, knows how to laugh, so he says they did not finish the job with him:
– I have one left, and curiously, then I had daughters, identical twins.
Kurir.rs/ Ružica Kantar Photo: Kurir

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