The strange device, at first glance it would seem, caused an avalanche of comments on social networks in the previous days. It consists of a seemingly ordinary drum that is manually wound and collected from the plums.
Those who have tried it say that aid to fruit growers is unquestionable and that the Nobel Prize should be awarded to whoever invented it.
Save time and strength, but nerves, because everyone knows what it is like to pick plums in hot weather.
Its inventor, Nebojsa Jakovljevic, says his phone was shining and demand was great.
– The machine is 5 years old, everything is handmade. So it is not yet a commercial production, but I am commissioned – he says.
Nebojsa does not dispute that perhaps someone has a similar idea in Serbia, but that somehow it was suddenly “discovered”.
According to him, in addition to plums, the machine can also collect other fruits in this way, such as apples, olives …
On the criticism that this technique can damage the plum, he states that there is no place for that, because plums harvested in this way are intended for brandy and jam, and perforated ones will be closer to boiling.
It says that it alone cannot be exported as there are requirements for canned whole fruit.
The idea, he notes, was to make things easier for fruit growers, which, judging by the number of calls from both Serbia and the region, turned out to be true.

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Author: delivery courier